Attachments cancelled

A practice, entirely inadvisable and even corrupt, common in the State Secretariat is that of attaching the favourites to one or the other department and thus helping them reap the benefits of staying in one of the two capital cities during the summer and winter.  In addition to no physical dislocation, they enjoy the benefits that accrue to the secretariat employees. Usually only employees with strong clout in the bureaucracy and in political circles are the beneficiaries of this extraordinary facility. Finding that it was an unnecessary burden on the state exchequer and not in the broader interests of the administration being a reflection of favorites and corruption, the Government ordered way back in 2009 that all attachments were cancelled. That order was welcomed by one and all.
However, in practice this order was not implemented fully and functionaries with strong political and social clout managed to continue to remain attached under one or the other pretext. In a sense the order of 2009 could not be implemented in letter and in spirit. Now the General Administration Department has issued another order asking all departmental secretaries and heads of the departments to cancel all attachments within their jurisdiction and report to the GAD by a fixed date. We appreciate this step though we are apprehensive that vested interest may again work in a manner to minimize the impact of this order once again. Therefore the GAD should ensure that its order is implemented in letter and in spirit and does not relapse into same situation into which the order of 2009 sank. GAD has given one week’s time for the Secretaries of Departments and Heads of the departments to communicate to it the list of attached functionaries and the status of implementation of the new order. We hope this will be adhered to.