Protestors defy curfew, clash with security forces

SRINAGAR: Defying curfew and restrictions, protestors today took to the streets at many places across Kashmir and clashed with security forces, after authorities thwarted a march to Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area here by taking top separatist leaders into custody.

At least 20 people were injured in the clashes, which erupted after Friday prayers between the protestors and security forces across the Valley, a police official said.

In Rohama area of Baramulla district, a mob set ablaze a newly-constructed police building while militants hurled a grenade towards security forces during stone pelting in Shopian town of south Kashmir, the official said. The grenade failed to explode.

The official said three persons received bullet injuries after security forces opened firing to disperse a stone-pelting mob near Gushi Bridge in Kupwara district of north Kashmir.

He said the condition of all three injured persons was stated to be stable.

The official said 17 others, including a few security personnel, were injured in the clashes reported from Shopian, Anantnag, Bijbehara, Bandipora, Baramulla, Sopore, Ganderbal and Kangan areas.

Clashes were also witnessed in several parts of the city.

Curfew was today reimposed in four districts of south Kashmir and Srinagar city, while authorities clamped restrictions in some other areas of the Valley to thwart a planned march by separatists here.

“Curfew was imposed in entire south Kashmir and Srinagar, while restrictions have been imposed in north and central Kashmir,” the police official said.

He said all the four districts of south Kashmir — Anantnag, Kulgam, Pulwama and Shopian — were under curfew to maintain law and order.

Restrictions were imposed in north Kashmir and some areas of central Kashmir to thwart the march announced by separatists to Jamia Masjid, he added. (AGENCIES)