BLSKS stages ‘Sadi Laddo’

BLSKS artists presenting musical play on Saturday.
BLSKS artists presenting musical play on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 30: To promote the traditional culture of J&K, Bhartiya Lok Sangeet Kala Sansthan (BLSKS) staged 114th   Saturday series Dogri   musical play   “Sadi Laddo”, in collaboration with Unison Cultural Troupe, Sangam Tru Art Production & ESRM at Durga Bhawan Janipur Jammu.
The play was   based on the theme of “Beti bachyo Beti Padayo”.  J K Raina, Producer and  Director Films, was chief guest while V K Magotra, former Regional Director, Directorate of Field Publicity , Government of India was the guest of honour .
The musical play ” Sadi Laddo ” written, produced and directed by M L Dogra   (chairman, BLSKS),  reflects the agony of two conservative families that are bent upon getting their daughter and son married at tender age, ignoring the advice of intellectuals of the society. The marriage turns into a disaster making the life of both bride and groom miserable. Even bride ends her life owing to pangs of pregnancy at childhood after delivery of a dead baby. The cries of baby girl in womb of the mother caution all of us in the society “Don’t kill me. I will be your helping hand in old age”. The song sung by the artists include “Hum Sab Hi Ladli Beti”, “Dhiyan Gi Nna Marro”, “Mang Rahi Hai Beti Jag Mai Jine Ka Adhikar”, etc.  The music was composed by renowned singer Master Raju Bajgal.
The programme commenced with welcome song presented by the artists of BLSKS and lighting of traditional lamp by the chief guest and guests of honor. Welcoming the dignitaries, V K Magotra, MD-BLSKS explained aims and objectives of the programme which have been assigned to the Sansthan for betterment of society.
The singers ,musician , actors and students of Music and Computer Institute who performed in the musical play  were Usha Handoo , K K Joshi , Parul Sharma, Renu Saproo, Dhruv Pandit, Hem Raj, Ritesh Magotra, Deevam Jandiyal , Shival, Surinder Verma, Salman Bhatti, Manjit Singh, Soyam, Sakshi, Nitin, Arnav Chib, Samarth Gupta,  Ravi Kumar, Ananya,   Rakshit Sharma , Darsh, L-danika, Ayush Bhat and others.