The steps taken by the Minister for Forests, Environment and Ecology,Choudhary Lal Singh to plant more and more trees to make up the huge loss caused due to deforestation in our state deserve to be appreciated by one and all.He has issued directions to the Divisional Forest Officers of Jammu Division to start a massive plantation drive alongside the roads in the monsoon season and achieve the target of planting about a lakh saplings of ornamental and fruit trees on the degraded and uncovered forest land on priority.There is no doubt that forests are the green gold of our country and they play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance and sustaining our lives on this beautiful planet.Besides serving as source of life giving oxygen and purifying the atmosphere, forests supply us various things such as food, timber, fodder, fuelwood, medicines etc, forests provide shelter to various wild animals such as lions, tiger, elephants, jackals etc and help in checking soil erosion and preventing flash floods.But over the years,there has been huge deforestation of our forests as a result of reckless felling of trees and encroachment of forest land for agricultural activities and residential purposes.The result of deforestation is that a lot of fertile soil of forests has suffered erosion and prevented regeneration of vegetation in the eroded regions of forests.Deforestation has also threatened many species of animals and plants with extinction from this planet.
Thus, there is need to make up this huge loss by launching such massive plantation drives every year in which everybody- the officers/other employees of various Departments,students, NGOs, organisations working for preservation and conservation of forests, should participate in the noble act of planting trees on uncovered forest land, schools, colleges, offices premises, village common lands etc. to supplement the efforts of Government in order to make our surroundings greener and more beautiful.There is need to aware people about the ill effects of environmental degradation and preservation and conservation of environment should become a mass movement to preserve and replenish our destroyed forests for a healthy environment.
Yours etc……
Ashok Sharma,