Fill up 1 lakh vacant vacancies: Harsh Dev

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 26: Former Minister and NPP MLA from Ramnagar, Harsh Dev Singh has urged the State Government to fill up one lakh odd vacancies lying vacant in different departments in the State.
In a press statement here today, the NPP leader strongly condemned the extremely unpleasant apathy of  and culpable negligence allegedly displayed by the State Government in addressing the issues of  educated and unemployed and semi-employed youth. He alleged that tall claims and exaggerated dissonance of the Government had ended in smoke with no breakthrough having been achieved in addressing the genuine grievances of the educated unemployed youth who were striving hard for seeking a favourable Government response.
Expressing solidarity with the cause of unemployed youth including Physiotherapists, Engineers, ITI diploma/ degree holders Agriculture technocrats, Social Forestry graduates, Medical degree holders, ReTs, Education volunteers, daily rated workers, contractual, Adhoc and consolidated workers, Mr Singh declared that he would project their cause forcefully during ensuing Assembly session in Srinagar.
NPP leader said that Government had even promised one job for each family before polls but nothing on ground was visible in past over four years. Soft  loans and jobs under the employment policy called SKEWPY proved as futile. The issue of fast track 43000 jobs also remained a hollow slogan. Same was the fate of Government’s `Himayat’ and `Uddan’ schemes for the educated unemployed youth, Mr Singh maintained.