Protests erupt in Gilgit, Baluchistan against Pak

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 13: In a bid to lodge a protest against crackdown by Pakistani army, people in Gilgit-Baltistan area, a part of Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir (PoJK), today took to the streets denouncing excesses being committed on them by Pakistani security personnel and administration.
Official reports reaching here said, said over 500 persons including youth, human rights activists and social workers have been imprisoned for asking the Pakistani army to leave Gilgit’s soil, which they have been illegally occupying and had even “gifted” some of its areas illegally to China.
Raising ‘anti-Nawaz Sharif’ and ‘anti-Pakistan’ slogans, angry protesters came out in Gilgit town, Astore, Diamer and Hunza of the Gilgit-Baltistan region and resorted to massive sloganeering against Nawaz Sharief, Pakistan army and civil administration.
The political crackdown and arrests in Gilgit were made against people protesting against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which protesters said would only benefit China and Pakistan’s Punjabi traders while the common man was left to lurch.
The protesters called upon the Indian Government to liberate PoJK including Gilgit and Baltistan to save them from regular crackdown of Pakistan authorities, which has made their lives miserable.
“The youth of Gilgit are not being involved in any manner with the CPEC and those who are protesting are being harshly dealt with”, the protesters said.
Over 500 youths from Gilgit have been jailed by Pakistan army and police including Gilgit’s top political activist Baba Jan, which saw increasing mass street-based movement for his release.
Protesters alleged that Pakistan is perpetrating massive human rights abuses to crush the political aspirations of the people of Gilgit.
The Pakistan Government had earlier signed a multi-billion dollar deal on a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor passing through Gilgit, which activists and separatists in the region see as a design by the two neighbours to exploit the resources in the occupied territory. The corridor is said to be part of China’s ambitious proposed 21st century Silk Road (also called the Belt and Road) initiative to reach out to Central Asia.
The protesters were also opposing the access given to China by Pakistan Government.
Meanwhile, Baluchistan activists have expressed their gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and top political leadership of the country for the support extended to Baluchistan during yesterday’s All Party Meeting in New Delhi.
Baloch activist Hammal Haider Baloch said, “This is the first time ever that an Indian PM has expressed his wish to support Baloch people, and this is a very crucial decision taken by the Indian Government. We strongly welcome the decision”.
Another Baluchistan activist Naila Baloch has thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his remark that Pakistan will have to answer to the world about the atrocities being committed on people in Baluchistan and PoJK.
Naila Baloch said that the people of Baluchistan are suffering and they hope Modi will raise this issue in UN session in September. “We people of Baluchistan, Pakistan and PoJK thank you (PM Modi) for your support,” she said.