Only outstanding issue with Pak is liberating PoK: Jitendra

Only outstanding issue with Pak is liberating PoK: Jitendra
Only outstanding issue with Pak is liberating PoK: Jitendra

NEW DELHI: The Government today strongly reacted to Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit’s remark on Kashmir’s “freedom”, saying the “only outstanding issue is how to liberate part of J&K which is under illegal occupation of Islamabad.”

MoS in Prime Minister’s Office Jitendra Singh said, “Our stand is very clear in the context of J&K issue. If at all there is any outstanding issue with Pakistan it is how to liberate the part of J&K which remains under illegal occupation of Islamabad after 60-65 years of Indpendence and make it a part of J&K and part of the Indian Union.

“Whatever goes on in Islamabad and on behalf of Pakistani authorities is a reflection of confusion and frustration they suffer from,” he said. (AGENCIES)