Governor calls for immediate end to violence in Kashmir

*Pak perpetrating terror to create chaos

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Aug 14: Governor NN Vohra said today that the vicious cycle of ongoing violence in Kashmir has caused enough death and destruction and must cease forthwith. At the same time, he called upon leaders of all mainstream political parties in the State to initiate dialogue and pursue sustained political initiative in Jammu and Kashmir with the support of New Delhi, which has already been ensured.
In his address on the eve of 70th Independence Day, Vohra said the Civil Society groups should join ranks and give loud and clear call to those involved in ongoing protests in the Kashmir valley as well as to those who were supporting their cause, to make the protesters realize that the cycle of violence has caused enough death and destruction and must end immediately.
“I urge the leaders of all mainstream political parties in Jammu and Kashmir to urgently join hands, evolve an agreed approach and commence purposeful dialogue with all groups that propagate divergent approaches,” he said, adding that there should be no delay in commencing the dialogue to pursue sustained political initiative in Jammu and Kashmir.
“The political leadership faces a momentous challenge of taking every required initiative to reach out and win hearts and minds of youth. This endeavour must by very strongly supported by entire administrative machinery in the State,” Vohra said.
Taking on Pakistan, albeit without naming the hostile neighbour, the Governor voiced concern over significant increase in the attempts of cross-LoC infiltration to perpetrate terrorism and create chaos in Jammu and Kashmir. In view of this, he said, it was necessary for security forces to remain on high alert on the borders.
He lauded the courage of brave officers and jawans of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Central Armed Police Forces and Army, who have sacrificed their lives to safeguard territorial integrity of the country.
Referring to present unrest in Kashmir, the Governor said it was duty of all political, social, cultural and religious organizations, apart from all other stakeholders in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh to join hands and work for restoration of peace and preserve harmony in the State.
Outrightly rejecting the path of confrontation and violence, the Governor told those trekking this path that “our foundations encourage and enable the resolution of all differences through dialogue and discussions”.
Noting that prolonged unrest and disturbances in Kashmir have disrupted all kind of business, trade and economic activities and badly affected livelihood of those who earn their bread on daily bases, he pointed out that functioning of administrative apparatus and public delivery systems have also been hit and the situation is retarding timely implementation of growth and development projects.
Voicing concern over massive loss of studies of the students due to ongoing trouble in the Valley for past more than 35 days now, Vohra called upon the Government and leaders of Civil Society to ensure that all educational institutions re-open immediately.
“Our boys and girls have been doing extremely well in tough competitive examinations at all India level. It is bounden duty of the State to ensure that our students don’t face any kind of disadvantage which may adversely affect their goals and aspirations,” he asserted.
Vohra said the arising problems shouldn’t be allowed to adversely affect educational schedules of the children but “it is most unfortunate that frequent calls of shutdowns, protests and agitations have led to complete disruption of educational system. The closure of schools, colleges and universities has caused irreparable damage to the career prospectus of bright children, who are pursuing different educational courses”.
Saying that he was deeply saddened by ongoing disturbances in the Valley during the past several weeks, which have led to several killings including youth, women and children, the Governor said daily incidents of stone-pelting and recurring attacks by protesters on uniformed security forces and their establishments have left thousands of civilians and security force personnel seriously injured.
“There may be varied explanations for the continuing disturbances, it is distressing that pre-occupation with the past has paralyzed our enormous responsibility to look after, education and groom our bright youth and enable them to compete and succeed in every walk of life to emerge as future leaders,” he said.
“In the centuries past, Jammu and Kashmir is known for its high traditions of communal harmony, secularism and pluralistic belief. Today, it should be our collective endeavour to take all required steps to revive and protect composite identity of the State.
“The political leadership should take initiatives to strengthen harmony among all regions of the State, based on the principles of mutual respect and accommodation of each other’s sensitivities, concerns and beliefs,” Vohra observed.