Brig Jamwal reviews NCC activities

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 20: Group Commander, Brigadier Rajan Jamwal today visited 2nd J&K Battalion NCC Boys which has around 70 ANOs NCC Schools and Colleges.
Brigadier Jamwal heard the annual brief of officiating Commanding Officer Lt Col Monisha on the conduct of NCC activities in various schools and colleges. The stores and officers were also inspected.
Thereafter, Brigadier Jamwal addressed to all the representatives of NCC Schools, who are called Associate NCC officers (ANO).
To bring more vibrancy and betterment of NCC activities, the Group Commander took the initiative of speaking directly to all the ANOs. This was the first ever meeting where the schools and colleges got a chance to enhance new ideas.
Various NCC activities were also discussed. Besides, discussions regarding preparation of Thal Sainik Camp which will proceed to Delhi in the month of September were also held.