‘Scandal ridden’ JAKEDA’s Governing Body fails to meet during past over 7 yrs

*No action against those involved in major scams

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Sept 11: Notwithstanding the fact that several scams have surfaced in Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JAKEDA) due to nexus between its officers and politicians, the Governing Body of the Agency headed by Minister Incharge Science and Technology has not met during the past many years despite the fact that this is the major forum to take all the vital decisions pertaining to the functioning of this vital organization. Moreover, none of the officers of this body involved in numerous scams has been punished till date thereby making mockery of the system.
The Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency was set up in the year 1989 under the administrative control of Department of Science and Technology of the State Government. The Agency looks after the solar as well as hydro divisions and receives funds for various projects both from the State Plan and the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
The Governing Body of JAKEDA is the steering committee vested with the powers to review the progress of Agency and consider/formulate matters for it. Prior to 2007 Chief Secretary was the head of the Governing Body but vide order No.926-GAD of 2007 dated August 7, 2007, the Governing Body was reconstituted for faster decision making as also for speedier implementation of the projects.
With reconstitution, Minister for Science and Technology was made Chairman of the Governing Body while as Administrative Secretaries of Planning and Development, Science and Technology, Power Development, Finance, Industries Departments, Development Commissioner Power and Director National Institute of Technology were made members of the Governing Body and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency was made Member Secretary.
Notwithstanding immense importance of this multi-department forum, no efforts were made to convene meeting of Governing Body since 2009-10 to take vital decisions vis-a-vis activities to be performed by JAKEDA, official sources told EXCELSIOR.
This is notwithstanding the fact that this Agency has a major role to play in development of micro and mini hydro power projects as per the policy formulated in the year 2011. Similarly, JAKEDA is the nodal agency in the State for giving practical shape to the Solar Policy formulated as per the directions of Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
“Instead of taking this steering committee into confidence, those who remained at the helm of affairs in the Science and Technology Department as well as in JAKEDA, always preferred to by-pass this vital forum and directly obtain approvals from the Minister concerned”, sources informed, adding “the importance of this multi-department forum was undermined only in order to take unilateral decisions and confer undue benefits”.
They further said, “by ignoring Governing Body, all the concerned only promoted politicians-JAKEDA officers nexus which is evident from numerous scandals which have surfaced during the past many years”, adding “the distribution of solar lights on political considerations which has come to the fore in many parts of the State is the testimony of lack of transparency and accountability in this vital organization”.
“It is a matter of serious concern as to why the successive Science and Technology Ministers didn’t give due importance to the Governing Body and preferred to ignore the same in taking vital decisions”, sources further said, adding “if they were not interested in taking senior bureaucrats of several key departments on board in according sanctions to the projects both in solar and hydro sectors they should have abolished this forum once for all”.
Stating that despite surfacing of numerous scandals none of the guilty officer has been punished till date, sources pointed out, “no action has so far been taken into Rs 30 crore worth solar light scam which was unearthed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India”, adding “all those officers who had purchased solar lights from blacklisted firm despite cancellation of supply order have remained unpunished till date”.
Similar is the fate of enquiries ordered into irrational distribution of solar lights in different areas of the State particularly in Kishtwar district, sources further said while disclosing that whosever remained Minister Incharge Science and Technology Department always focused on his constituency and district in distribution of solar lights instead of giving equal treatment to all the deserving areas.
When contacted, Chief Executive Officer of JAKEDA, Shafat Sultan confirmed that Governing Body of the Agency has not met during the past several years. “We can only initiate the process but cannot force anybody for convening meeting of this vital forum”, he added.
“Generally, we approach the Administrative Department and thereafter the Minister Incharge for approval of various activities of Agency”, he said. The CEO, however, refused to comment when asked about the purpose of Governing Body if its meetings are not to be convened.