JAKEDA functioning?

Set up 1989 under the administrative control of the Department of Science and Technology of the State Government, Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JAKEDA) is the Agency that looks after solar as well as hydro divisions and receives funds for various projects both from the State Plan and the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
The fact that functionaries of the organization have been bypassing the Governing Body of the agency in official business gives rise to many doubts. It is technically incorrect to bypass the Governing Body when under the terms of reference this body has to be involved in all major policy as well as technical decisions of JAKEDA. The glaring irregularity is discernible in the inability of the Governing Body to meet even once during seven years in the past. This is notwithstanding that the organization is vital to the scientific and technological advancement of the State. The Governing Body of JAKEDA is the steering committee vested with the powers to review the progress of Agency and consider/formulate matters for it. High ranking functionaries have been nominated as members of the Governing Body and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency was made its Member Secretary. Apart from the fact that the Agency has a major role to play in development of micro and mini hydro power projects, it is also supposed to give practical shape to the Solar Policy formulated as per the directions of Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
When the General Body has not met for seven long years, what expectation can the people have that the Government is sincerely interested in alleviating the energy crisis in the State. The Government has been making tall claims of making the State self sufficient in power but when the cover is removed from what precisely is happening on the level of responsible circles, there is only disappointment and disillusionment.
The subject of tapping solar energy in the State has a sad story behind it. This being a subject of interest for the general public has been politicized by the politicians who have developed myopic vision of their responsibilities. It has come to our notice that the Ministers in charge of Science and Technology have diverted all energy towards the implementation of Centre’s Solar Energy scheme to their respective constituencies and left the rest of the state craving for becoming the beneficiary of this facility. This is particularly true in regard to the district Kishtwar from where the Minister was put in charge of Science and Technology. He did not make fair distribution of funds and identification of places so as to give fair deal to all.
There have been numerous complaints of scandals taking place in the JAKEDA. It is alleged that there exists nexus between the officers of the agency and politicians. The nexus obstructs transparency in the operational activities of the JAKEDA. It is alleged that contracts are given to chosen persons and there is no transparency in the functioning of the system. Some of the functionaries against whom allegations of gross irregularities are made have not been called to book. Huge amounts have been swindled and no inquiry is conducted. These allegations have been making circles for a long time. By any stretch of imagination, this is a matter of serious concern as to why the successive Science and Technology Ministers didn’t give due importance to the Governing Body and preferred to ignore the same in taking vital decisions. It is pertinent to mention that no action has so far been taken into Rs 30 crore worth solar light scam which was unearthed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Those officers who had purchased solar lights from blacklisted firm despite cancellation of supply order have remained unpunished till date. Why are they protected and not brought to the book is a serious question which the State Government must answer now.
If this sordid situation is allowed to continue, people of the State will lose faith in the promises of the Government that the State is heading towards self sufficiency in terms of energy. There has been a massive propaganda over a number of years that the State has plenty of sunshine and is fit to harness solar energy. But to our great surprise, we have learnt that there is neither fairness nor transparency in Government’s claims that solar energy is the answer to power crisis in the State. We implore the Government to rationalize the functionality of JAKEDA. The Governing Body must take control of the affairs of the organization, exert its authority, guide and monitor the function of the subordinate organization and ensure that the purpose for which the JAKEDA was created is adequately met. Those trying to bypass the Governing Body should be dealt with according to service rules and given exemplary punishment so that the trend of non-transparency which has crept into the organization is arrested.