DC reviews BBBP scheme implementation

Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, Sept 15: Deputy Commissioner Samba, Sheetal Nanda today reviewed implementation of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme at sub- division level in a series of meetings at Ghagwal and Vijaypur.
The participants deliberated upon series of activities to be done at sub-division level in close coordination with Health, Education and ICDS Departments.
The DC directed the health officials to make sure that a pregnant woman has access to appropriate health care during pregnancy, childbirth and immediately afterwards. She called for tracking total number of ultrasound and thereafter successful deliveries and reasons for abortion if any. She further directed BMOs to record entries on Guddi Gudda Board month wise and report any drastic change in sex ratio.
She informed that complaint/suggestion boxes for girls will be installed at every school with helpline and toll free numbers. She directed officials to ascertain reasons behind girls dropping out of schools so that a campaign for their re-enrolment is launched. It was decided that in Sandhi Village of Ghagwal, a pilot project will be launched to ensure that all girls get regular meals and are enrolled in schools. A team of officials led by SDM Ghagwal was directed to suggest measures in this regard after receiving inputs from villagers.
The DC directed ICDS and Health Departments to apprise AWW, AWH and ASHA workers about legal provisions of PC and PNDT and Dowry Act. In addition to these functionaries, she also directed for involvement of Umeed Group members so that probable dowry/female infanticide cases are reported for preventive action.
She called for publicising figures regarding number of girls availing Ladli Beti and State Marriage Assistance scheme for poor girls in the district during the awareness programmes.
It was decided in the meeting that a Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Fund would be formed where each Gazetted and Non-Gazetted official shall contribute Rs 100 and Rs 20 respectively. She informed that birth of girl child will be celebrated across the district with officials visiting her house along with gift packets.
The meetings were attended by SDMs, Tehsildars, BDOs, CDPOs, BMOs of concerned subdivision and DSWO Samba Mushtaq Choudhary.