Kashmir improving

This has reference to the news item Kashmir situation improving’ DE Sept 29.
There is no doubt that the situation in Kashmir has improved considerably, and it is not the same as it was in 1990s. The huge rush of visitors and pilgrims this year are indicators of peace and progress. The situation is a result of coordinated efforts of security personnel, people of Kashmir and some politicians. The peace so obtained and goodwill so generated among the masses should not be allowed to fritter away by going complacent about it.
Rather, it demands more vigilance on the part of politicians and security personnel to maintain it at any cost. The killing of Sarpanches in the valley has sent a wave  of shock and terror  among the masses.
There is urgent call to keep anti-social  and anti-national elements at bay.
Development works, and redressal of peoples grievances be accorded priority. It should also be endeavour of the Government to generate employment opportunities in the State.
Yours etc…
Mushtaq Ahmad Mir