Long-armed land mafia

They do not spare anybody, not even the prestigious national investigation organization, the CBI.  The land mafia is on a spree of land grabbing just because it is long armed. The case of 9 kanals of land at Chhani Rama bought by CBI from JDA at a cost of 2 crore rupees made disputable shows the lawlessness prevailing in land transaction matters. The CBI claims it paid the cost of the land and was assured of ownership of 9 kanals of JDA land, JDA claims it was clean possession and formally handed over the possession to the CBI in 2011, and the locals who obstructed CBI in constructing the fence and beat up the labourers claim they have obtained stay order from the court as the land deal done by JDA was disputed. Who is right and who is wrong in this case, is difficult to adjudge. JDA brings the onus to the doorsteps of land mafia asserting the mafia is active and has encroached upon its land at many places. JDA is a government sponsored organization. If land mafia is that strong and daring, why does not JDA take proper legal measures to curb its activities? Why should it put a third party namely CBI in an embarrassing situation?