World community rallies behind India after Uri attack

NEW DELHI, Sep 19: The global community today stood behind India in its hour of loss following the Uri attack which claimed the lives of 18 army personnel, with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon saying the perpetrators would be brought to justice.

France and Canada also condemned the attack and said they stand with India in the fight against terrorism, as international denunciation continued to pour in against the brazen assault carried out by suspected Pakistan-based terrorists of Jaish-e-Mohammed. France also called for peaceful settlement of disputes in Kashmir.

In a statement, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon asserted that the perpetrators of the attack would be brought to justice and all stakeholders would meet their responsibilities to maintain peace and stability.

“France most firmly condemns the terrible terrorist attack perpetrated on 18 September against an Indian army camp in the region of Kashmir. It conveys its condolences to the families of the 17 Indian soldiers killed in this attack.

“France remains at India’s side in the combat against terrorism. It calls on every State to fight effectively against terrorist groups operating on their territory or from their territory against other countries,” it said.

France also recalls the importance it attaches to bringing calm and the peaceful settlement of disputes in the region of Kashmir, a French Foreign Ministry statement said.

Condemning the militant attack on an army camp, the UN Secretary General hoped the perpetrators of the crime would be brought to justice and re-establishing stability and preventing any further loss of life will be the priority of “all involved”.

Acting High Commissioner for Canada to India Jess Dutton strongly condemned the terrorist attack and said,”The Government of Canada extends condolences to the victims and their families.

“We are appalled by these attacks and stand with the Government of India in the fight against terrorism,” he added.

The US and UK had also condemned the attack yesterday.

France also called for decisive action to be taken, in accordance with international law, against the terrorist groups targeting India, particularly the Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.

During a press briefing in Paris today, the Deputy Spokesperson for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development said, “After that of Pathankot earlier this year, this attack reminds us that India, like France, is a victim of terrorism.

“More than ever before, we remain at the side of our strategic partner, India, for fighting this scourge. As underscored by the President of the French Republic during his India visit in January this year, all countries must effectively combat terrorism emanating from their territory or from territories under their control.”

He also asserted that nothing can justify terrorism, which must be combated everywhere with the same determination.

Condemning the attack, Afghanistan’s Ambassador to India Shaida Abdali said the countries that use terrorism as instrument of foreign policy should not only be isolated but also held accountable for taking away innocent lives.

Noting that his country, which has been a victim of terrorism for a long time, can “share the pain”, he said it was high time that international community chalks a new course of action to “effectively and actively” deal with the countries which use terrorism as State policy.

In a statement, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia strongly condemned the terrorist attack, offered condolence to the families of the victims and wished a rapid recovery to all those injured.

“Regarding the Pathankot Indian air base attack in January 2016, we are very concerned about the terrorist attacks near the Line of Control. We are also concerned about the fact that, according to New Delhi, the army base near Uri was attacked from Pakistani territory.

“We believe that this criminal act will be investigated properly, and that its organisers and perpetrators will be held accountable. We confirm our continued support for the Indian government’s counter-terrorism efforts.” (PTI)