Dharinder’s Dream Project

Romesh Kheryal
It is a popular saying that “Man Proposes God Disposes”. On 27 June, 2000 I alongwith my  daughter’s family proceeded to Sudh Mahadev, a famous Lord Shiva’s pilgrimage in  district Udhampur. We left Jammu at about 8 am and reached Sudh Mahadev at  at 11 am in our private car. The soothing and rustic atmosphere of the place pleased us so  much that soon we all got refreshed and entire tiredness of the journey vanished within  minutes. After some rest we proceeded to the Devsthan which I had visited about 30  years earlier with very faint memories still left in my subconsious mind. After paying  obeisance to Lord Shiva we got some briefing about the importance of the place from the  Pujaries and spent about two hours there. After taking lunch we proceeded to Mantalai, a  famous hill spot about 7.5 km from Sudh Mahadev.
On reaching Mantalai my memory lane dragged me back to   this place when I had visited it 30 years ago  for about half an hour. At that time the place was well maintained and a Yoga  camp was running under the supervision of Swami Dharinder Brahmchari, a towering  personlity of the time. Quality breed milking cows were being managed by Swamiji. There  used to be a very good zoo well managed by Brahmchari. The commoners were not allowed  without seeking proper permission. Coming back from memory lane to the present, I saw  four hired taxies with few tourist there. They  perhaps had come from Katra (Vaishnodevi). A group of them was being guided by a local  gentleman. While looking here and there, I found  there was no zoo and cows were also missing. Instead, there was a heap of about a dozen  rusted and juncked vehicles which used to be an impressive fleet during the glorious  period of Dharinder Brahmchari. On my enquiry the man guiding the tourists told that he used to drive  one of the juncked and rusted vehicles. But  was soon ousted by Swamiji as he did not  possess the driving  licence. The Meditation hall Aparna Asharm was locked and no one  was there to tell us any thing about it. However we could see few thatched huts outside  the Aparna Ashrams which perhaps were used by the Yoga students. While returning, my eyes  suddenly fell on a high structure which used to be a well managed light and guiding tower  for landing of personal helicopter or airplane of the Brahmchari. Though it was in ruins   but the technology used about 30 years back in such a remote place is really stunning.
I had a chance to see this great personality at Jammu Airport in 1985 when I had gone  there to receive my brother’s family coming from the USA.  The Swami was clad  in a white  Dhoti and wore woodden slipper (Kharoon) in his feet.  He was about 6ft tall and some  persons were touching his feet in the longue of the Airport. On my enquiry from a security official I was told that it  was famous Dharinder Brahmchari. Perhaps he was on way to Srinagar and had alighted for a  while at Jammu Airport.
Swami Ji established Vishwaytna Yogashram at Katra, Mantalai (J&K) and Delhi and also  International Yoga Research Centre & Hospital at Ashoka Road Delhi with all moderan  facilities and a 50 beds Indoor Hospital for patients. It is said that his  intimacy with Indira Gandhi and her family made the opposition parties drag him to many  controversies. He was made a copartner in a famous gun factory named as Shiva Gun  Factory under which some unauthorised material was imported from abroad and a case still  stands lodged against him.
He died in a airplane crash at Mantalai on 9th June 1994 alongwith his pilot. It will be  appropriate if the govt. constitute a high power committee of technocrats to fullfil the  dream of this great Yogi and develop Mantalai as tourist resort and a Yoga training  centre of international level with all modern facilities, keeping in mind that this  remote area gets everything as per the dream of the Swami.
I remember that when the Swami was under the shadow of evil stars the Govt. of India  ordered a senior govt gazetted officer to takeover the charge of the Yog Ashrams  Mantalai as well as Katra from Dharinder Brhamchari. One of my very close friends, late  Dr. T . N. Srivastava was ordered to takeover charge of Katra as well as Mantalai from  the Swami, which he executed at Katra(Vaishnodevi) very smoothly and cooperatively. Dr.  Srivastava had talked to me about the personlity, simplicity and straightforwardness of the Swami.