Cipher Decipher

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE  before you  send in your message to us.


1.    To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ Educating a man means, educating a person, but educating a women means educating a family”.
2.    From Sharda Gupta to all: “ The highest we are placed the more humbly should we  walk ”.
3.     To all from Aditya Mahajan: “ Don’t take compliments to your head and criticism to your heart”.
4.     From Komal Mengi to all: “ We should not hide our true nature. That is a big deceit. We should be as natural as possible”.
5.     To all from Surbi Bharti: “ Destiny is not a thing to be waited for, it is thing to be achieved”.
6.     From Rama Gupta to all: “ When the world says “give up” hope whispers, “try it one more time”.
7.     To all from Rama Gupta: “ You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water”.
8.     From Ruchika Jandial to all: “ Respect is for those who deserve it, not for those who demand it”.
9.     To all from Sudhir Kumar Gupta: “ Self-respect is most vital factor in life without man is a mere cipher  ”.
10.     From Suraj Dev Singh to all: “ We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is                       lost ”.
11.     To all from Rishika Koul: “ Winner are not those who never fail but those who never                        quit ”.
12.     From Silvi Verma to all: “ Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”.
13.     To all from Devika Sharma: “ The past is the dead thing that smells sweet”.