Praising public servants

O P Sharma
This 244-page book in English entitled ‘The Men Who Served  Jammu  & Kashmir’ authored by Dr. Sudhir S Bloeria, an eminent administrator and educationist is an authentic narration of noted persons of IAS and IPS cadre who served in Jammu and Kashmir during the crucial period when militancy was at its peak from 1989 to 2010. Dr Bloeria, who rose to be Chief Secretary in J&K State was an eyewitness to the turbulent conditions in Kashmir valley as also part of the process of restoring normalcy and putting it back on the democratic system. He has selected some of the courageous officers who faced grave danger to their life and limb to boldly face the onslaught of terrorism unleashed due to Proxy War sponsored from across the border and bringing back law and order in this sensitive State.
Vivid Description
The book under review is a vivid account of achievements of handful of officers in the State administration through their daring deeds, hard work and dedication to duty. Each one of them stood like a rock and defeated the evil designs of Pak-sponsored fully armed militants derailing the administrative structure and adversely impacted on law and order. These outstanding through rare steel-nerve men struck to their call of duty at almost all levels and restored order.
Steel-nerve Men
Each of these steel-nerve men’s dare deeds  told by Dr Bloeria in most interesting narration is worth reading and also speaks volume about the high story writing skill of the writer in this book.  It is really an exciting and inspiring description how some of the officers rebuilt the administrative edifice and Police system “almost from the scratch” in the early nineties. This is no small achievement but a saga of blood, sweat and tears.
There are two categories: “Trail Blazers” and “their Finest Hour”. In the first grouping,  a detailed mention has been made of officers like Dr Mehmood-Ur-Rahman, C. Phonsong, Dr Ashok Bhan, K.B. Jandial,  J.A. Khan, Gopal Sharma, Ashok Suri, Allah Baksh and G.A. Peer.
Their Contribution during that crucial period is praiseworthy as also inspiring for the younger generation. In the second category the achievements of administrators: B. R. Sharma (present Chief Secretary), Anil Goswami, Probodh Chakraborti, Bharat Vyas, Farooq Khan, Shaleen Kabra, Ajit Kumar, M. M. Bhat, D. N Trisal, P.L. Gupta, A. Sahasranaman and also Mumtaz Afzal. Dr. Bloeria’s intimate and accurate account of contribution of each officer, told in a graphic and unique narration, makes the book both informative and captivating. Its value as source material for historical accounts is certainly there in this book.
Admittedly, it is the discretion of the author to make mention of only the dedicated and dutiful IAS and IPS cadre officers but there is also a feeling that many other officials and civil- at middle or lower level too- who made highly laudable contribution in restoring much needed normalcy and upheld democratic system. Few of them did deserve a mention and a good word from Dr. Bloeria in this book! However, it is laudable that the heroic contribution of men who have served Jammu and Kashmir have been now well documented.
Well-told Story
In the Foreword of this book, the Governor N.N. Vohra has opined: “In late 1980’s Pakistan executed a well planned operation to induct a huge number of trained militants into Kashmir to perpetrate violence, generate chaos and insecurity. He also recalled that during those extremely difficult period some persons “ displayed  stubborn tenacity of purpose….truly pioneers, the torch bearers and the Trail Blazeir.”
Dr Bloeria, an able administrator and a prolific writer has authored three books, “The Battle of Zojila-1948” ( his doctoral thesis) ,” Pakistan’s Insurgency and India’s Security” as also “The Dying Terrorism”. He has a grip on the major events and happenings in Jammu and Kashmir. He became in August 2011, the  founder Vice-Chancellor of the Central University of Jammu and held this position for three years. Earlier, he also remained Advisor during the Governor Rule in July 2008.
Source of Inspiration
The book under review is a deeply thought out, on distinct theme and well produced publication, finely printed on a quality paper above all  an authentic work.
It certainly will be of deep interest to the readers as also of historical value. It will be read by a large section of people including the administrators, politicians, academicians and also students of “current history”. I have gone through the book from page to page and found it a profitable reading as also worth keep it in personal bookshelves.
It is a must reading for our student and youth as we are still not out of wood facing the old malady of cross-border terrorism. All the libraries should keep it for general public. This book will be a precious possession for all the citizens, especially in Jammu and Kashmir State.
(Starline Syndicate Service)