Management of personal energy

Dr. Bodh R Sharma

The Scriptures and even Science educate us that everything is made up of energy. Energy forms a field that flows, connects, and surrounds everybody and everything in the Universe. In fact, energy is the basis for our livelihood and being required in each walk of life. We get energy in sleep, meditation, prayer, sacrifice, nishkaam karma, opening to the higher realms of the Divine consciousness. Indeed cosmic energy flows in us when our mind is thoughtless (Nirmal Stithi). If we aspire for energy in right way then, we can have enough energy required for the functioning of the being. We spend energy for various activities in daily life but it is unfortunate that most of the energy is wasted in useless things, particularly, gossiping, enjoying sensual pleasures, critising and quarrelling with others. We feel lack of energy and even lament after wasting what we had. If we are energetic we feel happy, relaxed, unsullied and ready to do everything. Contrary to this, makes us depressed, lethargic, ill, timid, disturbed, dependent, and brings resistance to everything. It is thus, indispensable to understand and manage the personal energy for the development of sound mind, life and body.
It is an art to preserve the personal energy and use it for the purpose for which it has been given to us by the Divine. If we balance our life by performing the needed activities and save the extra energy as one saves money then, this preserved energy has wonderful contribution for the upliftment of consciousness leading to material gains and spiritual advancement. So if we use energy for the limited needed actions we always feel full of enthusiasm and vice versa. In our routine work, we interact with so many persons having their own energy field (Aura). During this interaction, be mindful of whether we are giving energy to or taking it from that other person. At the same time, become aware-are we feeling drained or restored? In fact, we have the power to add to both their energy reservoir and ours but if we remain inattentive, undoubtedly, we won’t be able to rid our life from ‘energy vampires’ that suck away good vibes. Many times we spend our energy unnecessarily by worrying about things outside of our sphere of influence or beyond what is expected of us. Further, Truth, Light and equanimity should be our ideal as we often give away energy under the influence of the forces of ignorance and falsehood.
Learn to be our own best counsellor and advocate. We might start by making good habits about eating, sleeping, meditating and exercising. Each day practice Asana, pranayaama, concentration and keep only positive thoughts in the mind. Never edify ill will and jealous towards others. Have goodwill and compassion for all as all are the Divine Children. We can choose the friendship of people who make us feel better about ourselves. Remember, what we value gets our attention, and what gets our attention directs our energy. Energy magnifies capacity to do more and more work and provides the fuel that enables us to accept adventures. Energy is essential for effective leadership and in our role we not only need to stay personally energized but must energize others as well. Even little effort shows us the marvelous results. When you shake hand, for example, do it with full flow of positive energy that awakens the counterpart also through a vibration.
In our subtle body, we have seven life force energy centers or chakra which can be awakened through rigorous Sadhana. These are the knots which can’t be cut abruptly rather loosened gradually with proper spiritual culture and Yogic methodology. Turn your gaze from outside to within for acquisition of sublime energy and making the outer parts more powerful, safe and perfect. Remember the Divine Mother who is worshipped as Shakti by the Devi Bhagavata Mahapurana. Sri Aurobindo and The Mothers whisper that chanting the name of the Divine Mother creates a vibration and fills the being with intense energy and bliss. So, aspire constantly for the sublime energy and wisely use it for the assigned task. Metamorphose the perserved energy for inner awakening and unveiling the psychic being, which is the embodiment of Truth and Divinity. The awakened psychic being with subliminal energy is helpful for opening, organising and uplifting each part of the being towards Reality.