Ladakhis demanding UT status : Rajnath

Leh:  “There have been no other talks except for single and unanimous demand of UT for Ladakh by all political parties, religious, cultural and social organization representatives in Leh.” It was stated by Rajnath Singh, Home Minister, GOI in a press briefing at ITBP, Choglamsar today during his two days visit to Ladakh region.

Mr. Singh said that he has assured Ladakhis of his visit to Ladakh last month when he visited Jammu and Kashmir with all party delegation. “Ladakhis have always complained of keeping any party delegation or visit of some big leaders confined only to Jammu and Kashmir but as I committed today I convened a meeting with all political parties, religious, cultural and social organization representatives from Leh district to attend to their demands and aspirations and they only have to say one thing, UT status for Ladakh,” said the Home Minister. He added that tomorrow he will be visiting Kargil district to access the situation there and if there is any serious issue that needs to be addressed state and centre government will sort viable solution, assured Mr. Singh.

The all party, religious and social delegation submitted a memorandum to Home Minister today appealing him for grant of UT status with legislature to Leh-Ladakh. “Given the prevailing situation in J&K, all of us are committed to realization of this long standing demand and appeal to the GOI in one voice to consider our long standing demand for grant of the UT status with legislature for Leh-Ladakh,” reads the memorandum.