Woes of border people

This has reference to large scale migration of border people to safe areas after surgical strike by Indian army at launching pads of jihadis in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. In wake of this, the Government has ordered evacuation of people as a precautionary measure. So far so good. But one thing that has surfaced from this development is that the border people have been left to fend for themselves.
Though the countrymen may be celebrating success of surgical strikes, the border people feel, as always, at receiving end. The villagers near the LoC are upset with the lack of Government support in evacuation and they fear for the safety of their homes and property. Besides, some people complain that the Government has not provided them tents and shelters as promised. The people need to be extended every help by the Government, and the countrymen, at this critical hour. Every possible facility should be extended to them. Since one does not know how long they shall have to remain in this position, Government should make arrangement for their livelihood, and education of their wards.
Yours etc…..
Neeraj Mahajan