The ultimate infertility handbook

Name of book : Infertility solutions
Author : Dr. Richa Sharma

Dr Richa Sharma -A versatile and grounded personality ,doctor by profession and author by passion.She is a regular writer and wants to spread knowledge to the general masses. Being daughter of soil of Jammu Kashmir with her schooling and medical graduation and post graduation from Jammu, she always endeveours to do something worthwhile for the welfare of the society and to remain connected .After her higher qualification in issues dealing with Infertility she has tried to pen down her thoughts with scientific based facts clearing various mthys and presenting related facts in a simplified manner.
This book has been reviewd by Dr Narendra Mohan (Senior Consultant Obst and Gyne ASCOMS BATRA Hospital Jammu), Professor Sanjay Gandhi(London) and Dr Sanjay Tomar(Senior Pathologist Uttar Pradesh)
In the words of Dr Narendra Mohan(mentor of Dr Richa)-“This book is to create awareness about fertility issues some couples face.
Infertility Solutions, like a friend guides them thorugh the various aspects of infertility and offers solutions.
The book is especially helpful for those who are unable to discuss their problem due to social or other reasons as it helps them overcome their hitch or hesitation and get a broader view of the treatment options available.”
As per Professor Sanjay Gandhi (Senior Consultant, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK, Vice Chairman, British Institute of Radiology South West Division)
”This book is worthy of praise for several reasons, for example it explains different causes of infertility in detail, dispels common myths, explains about simple lifestyle modifications to increase the chances of conception. Furthermore, the book clarifies various Lab instigations, which are often necessary to investigate cause of infertility and it also explains treatment options in great detail. Psychological and ethical issues have been addressed in a highly commendable manner, which is a credit to Dr Richa Sharma and Dr Amit Basnotra
Dr Sharma and her team have provided detailed and evidence-based information and yet presented it in an easy to understand format for childless couples. Therefore, the book is likely to answer the most common questions, which a childless couple might have. I am certain that many healthcare professionals will also find information in his book ‘Infertility and its solutions’ very useful.
I congratulate Dr Richa Sharma and the team for doing great service in providing a handy and trustworthy source of information for couples who are in search for the joy of parenthood and wish all authors and readers the very best.”
In words Of Dr Sanjay Tomar (Senior Pathologist )-
”Are you trying to have a baby but pregnancy is just not happening ?You may wonder if you or your partner has a medical problem that you need to check out.Take out some time and go through this wonderful book by Dr Richa sharma.
INFERTILITY SOLUTIONS all that you need to know. An encyclopedia of Infertility related information which provides you technical scientific information in easy to read and understand format. Your troubleshooting guide for Infertility related issues.
I wish to congratulate Dr Richa for writing a wonderful book which has covered each and every aspect of Infertility management.”
This book under review has a collection of 24 chapters with each dealing with different aspects and the chapter 24th has collection of different clinical scenarios author has come across in her clinical practice to make it better understand by the common people.Its a book for the people, by the people and of the people. Its freely available on amazon or can be available on request.
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