The scars are fresh, the wind is cold…
Tired of always being so bold
The world gave all that, it could
My parents have always treated me
like the, Red Ridding Hood.
It’s time, I yearn for something beyond this,
It want to hit my goals, without any miss.
My brainwork has all stopped for a while,
My journey is not yet over, I have to go miles and miles.
But before, I start fresh with more,
Let me take a while to strengthen my core.
Let me not give a fore thought to these scars,
Hope, have hope Darling!! Even life is possible on Mars
I’ll flaunt the scars, as tattos inked on my body,
As beautiful as the Califonia poppy
The fights going on within me, are more afflictive than the outside world,
I need nobody’s help, let me lie in my bed curled.
I’ll wake up shortly here after,
Then I would be at peace, like the seal calms after disaster
I need intensity, I need vitality.
I will revitalise, let my have me, my green tea
The scars are fresh, the wind is cold, tired of being so bold

Sagrika Grover

Story of realisation 

Once I was in a temple, when I saw a man in temper.
Maybe a man with sufferings I thought,
So maybe angry at Lord,
For not giving him what a normal person wants.
And cursing God for their own failure is a kind of trend in every religion.
I was close enough to hear his voice.
Well, there was no other choice.
Murmuring in his tone, he placed a ten rupee note.
” Lord, I wanted a Mercedes but dad gave me BMW… ”
“… Oh prabhu!!”
“…. Now only you tell me what to do”
I stepped down temple’s stairs carrying a shocked face
When a black Mercedes, I glanced.
Next to the car, my eyes glued on a poor father-son with disturbing
marks of sun burn.
The barefooted son Staring at Mercedes had a happiness spark
As if he owned that beautiful car.
Maybe it’ll jab him harder than a knife
When he’ll realise that poor are not meant to make choice.
But it was visible in their eyes, the pursue of dreams in their lives.
That day something I realised, that maybe we never do realise, all those things that we have in our lives.
The things we never gave a thought, so be happy with what you’ve got.
Because the second when we’ll loose something we can’t replace, is the moment we’ll feel disgraced.
And no matter how much we loved that thing, it’ll always go to waste.
We’ll try our best but we’ll not succeed.
And We’ll have what we want, but not what we need.
So realise the things when you have time
For time and tide never waits in life.

Shruti Sharma


“My heart, O Lord, is thirsty for
Thy light and thy love!
Come to me, each day, in my
thoughts and aspirations.
Come to me in my dreams, in
the laughter on my lips,
in the tears in my eyes
In thy mercy come in my forgetfulness
In my worship and
my work in life and in death
come there to me
Be thou with me in thy
Mercy and thy love.”

Omkar Nath Dhar
Upper Laxmi Nagar Sarwal