Poor quality of air

Studies show that more and more people are suffering from  respiratory problems in major cities where the pollution level is too high and the air quality is very poor-specially in our capiltal where the population too is high.
Despite various measures taken by the Government and the judiciary itself the air quality shows no improvement. This is an alert for the cities like Jammu  as they may  face the same problem  in case more serious measures are not taken by the State Government and the other various responsible institutions along with the active participation of each and every citizen.It is reported that Jammu has  PM 2.5 concentrations of 56 ug/m3 of fine particulate matter annually which is not normal and is unhealthy for breathing.In Jammu, 90 per cent of air pollution is vehicular, the need of the hour is to take urgent and harsh steps to control air pollution by these vehicles before it is too late.The old vehicles need to be phased out in a time bound manner in the city and it must be made mandatory for all to use CNG or LPG as fuel to run vehicles.It must be made mandatory for each driver to produce ‘No Pollution Certificate’. Vehicles run by battery producing zero emmission need to be encouraged for tackling the problem of air pollution.The city urgently needs regular monitoring.  Plantation drive  needs to be launched to cover open space in the city in order to make it a clean and green city. The departments such as Forest Department,Motor Vehicle Department, Industries Department, Pollution Control Board,Traffic Police etc ought to work out a  collective strategy to check rising pollution level in the city.
Yours etc…
Khalid Bashir
on e-mail