Eye opener for separatists

The well researched  article Pakistan, on the way to decline’ DE Oct 12 by  B.D. Sharma should be an eye opener to the separatist leaders of Kashmir and others who have brought nothing but misery and starvation to the people. Their so called movement in Kashmir  is nothing but the road to destruction which Pakistan is following. Bigotry and fundamentalism are nothing but an anathema in the modern world.
Pakistan stands isolated today and is economically broke. It has lost many friends even among the Muslim nations. China on which Pakistan is keeping high hopes will ditch if and  when it exports terrorism to its Muslim majority province.
If we look at the policy of encouraging fundamentalism and terrorism as state policy  that Pakistan has followed since seventies it has not brought any dividends to that country. Instead  the society there is divided on sectarian lines. Minorities have been forced to flee or convert. In 1947 there were 28 percent Hindus in Pakistan today there are hardly 3 percent living in fear. Christians, Shias, Ismailis and Ahmedias are equally discriminated and hated.
It is high time that Pakistan sheds its policy of hatred towards India. “You can not wish away your neighbour” is a famous adage. As neighbours we need to live in peace and prosperity not in perpetual hatred. Look at the European Union. They have found panacea in peace.
I thank Daily Excelsior  for publishing Mr B. D. Sharma’s illuminating article and hope that the thinking brethren and  youth in  Kashmir will help to end the state of uncertainty and stalemate in the Valley and make a begining at least with reopening of schools so that our younger generation is not deprived of education that illuminates minds. Other things can follow.
Violence and shut downs are retrograde steps in the twenty first century. Talks and discussions with powers that be with open minds and in a spirit of give and take will open up new vistas for peace and progress of our beautiful state.
Yours etc…
Prof. B. L. Kaul
On e-mail