D- silting Diwali !

Radha Nagpal
Recently though,not so recently now ,I recalled an article in the Times of India I think it was in the centre page under the title ,The Speaking tree. The writer Bk Brijmohan highlighted the symbolic meaning of Diwali as a victory of good over the evil. Diwali being a time for cleansing of body and mind/soul. Truly these are quite lofty aims,appearing very touching in writing,much like forwards shared on face book and what’s app, simply platitudes .The true sanctity of such cleaning is not just an yearly process, it’s a life long effort,and can be  effective only if implimented as a way of life and a way of thinking. It seems to me that poeple look at such festivity with a  very narrow lens . The celebrity part of Diwali, the bursts of crackers the accompanying ceaseless and deafening sounds, the pollution, the fogged air, the exchange of sweets and dry fruits etc stand as symbols of favours given and taken.
My concern is with the  resultant air- pollution which is dangerous to both human and animal world. Besides being a sort of slow poisoning , the burning of  fire work is  heavy on the pocket. Ironically,an expenditure to invite ill health. Therefore the idea of rejuvenating the human soul, as Brijmohan avers Diwali today appears to deteriorate both body and soul . I think the use of fire works and the resultant air and noise- pollution has slipped into a fashionable mode used  during weddings,and  sundry functions even political triumphs,sadly. In fact they have become  an interminable fixture of our expressive social and cultural life. Due to these crackers,lot of fire incidents also take place causing grievous harm to life and property, as if a part of Diwali ritual.One can hear the fire brigade alarms coming from all directions rushing for rescue operation.
Therefore, the dire need of the time is that the collective consciousness of society should stop the manufacture of all the fire works,  which are a  deadly arsenal. Factories manufacturing them should not have the license and should be closed down. I believe candles and Dia’s are sufficient to express the festive mood.
This is a call for all ,emphatically so for the younger generation to be aware of .Youth of today ! please wake up….Slough your lax attitude and look about you; see the debris of degradation that is piling up in your country.It is only you who can clear this mess. There is a potential revolutionary sleeping within all of you ;unchain it and let it out.
Seize the country!! It needs fresh and honest minds;youthful and rugged  hands,selfless and empathetic attitude and not the least, efficient and steady strides to get back to its golden age that once it was!!!!