Cong capable to defeat divisive forces: PCC chief

PCC chief GA Mir addressing party convention at Kargil on Saturday.
PCC chief GA Mir addressing party convention at Kargil on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
KARGIL, Oct 22:  Urging the party cadre and leaders to play the role of unifying force and defeat the designs of communal and divisive forces,  hell bent upon to disturb the communal harmony and secular fabric in the regions of the State,  PCC chief GA Mir stressed upon the need to isolate anti- peace elements creating wedge between the people to take advantage of the situation.
Addressing the Party convention here today, PCC chief urged the party leaders to defeat the designs of anti-peace elements creating fissures in the communities in order to take full advantage of the disturbances to serve their vested interests. He said Congress is committed to its stated position of maintaining integrity of the State and is capable of defeating the forces harming the tradition of unity, together & brotherhood in the State.
Mir said Jammu and Kashmir is a unique State in which people of every religion live in an atmosphere of friendship and brotherhood and respect the emotions of each other, but there are certain forces visible and invisible who want to disturb this age old tradition of communal harmony and brotherhood.
Referring to the failure of the State & Centre Govts, PCC chief said that not only people of the country, but the State also have fully realized that both Central  and State Govt have exploited them on certain sensitive issues for the sake of coming into the power. The promises made with the people of Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir by PDP- BJP in the State have not been fulfilled as yet, as a result the people of the all the three regions feel alienated. He termed the current unrest in the Valley as the outcome of the misrule and anti-people policies of the PDP-BJP Coalition.
Reminding the people of Kargil and Ladakh about the steps taken by the UPA- I and UPA-II for the overall development of the Ladakh region, Mir said that successive UPA regimes left no stone unturned to bring the Ladakh region at par with other parts of the country, but the present Govt at Centre seems to be in a state of confusion on this front. No progress  has been seen on  Zojila Tunnel so far.
Those who addressed the convention included MLA Haji Ab Rashid Dar, MLA Asgar Karbalai,  Farooq Andrabi, MLA Deldan Namgiyal,  Gulam Raza  and Councilors of Kargil.