JKCCTU highlights demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 7: Jammu and Kashmir Co-ordination Committee of Trade Unions (JKCCTU) today highlighted their demands in its meeting held under the chairmanship of State president, Mohd Maqbool.
The participants expressed serious concern over the delaying tactics of the Government over the issue of pay anomalies of clerical cadre despite the clear decision of High Court and stressed upon the authorities to redress this genuine demand of the clerical staff.
The members also demanded implementation of 7th Pay Commission after removing the anti-employees features like raising the minimum pay, abolishing of posts, downsizing, etc and with full parity with the Central Government employees regarding allowances and benefits.
The meeting also demanded implimentation of the recent decision of Supreme Court regarding equal wages for equal work in Government Departments. The association also extended their support to November 16 strike the call which is given by All J&K Ladakh Departments Clerical Staff Association.