Tackling Pakistan

Pak is our unnatural, unscientific and intractable neighbour who is proving to be hard nut to crack at the moment. Since inception Pakistanis are keeping us on the tenterhooks and consistently engaged on the borders. There will be no exaggeration to state that Pak is an irretrievable thorn in our national physique and perennial source of pain, sorrow and a trigger for major financial drain as sequel to prolonged border hostilities. It is no less than a consumptive disease. Since the successful surgical strikes carried out by Indian army, the Pakistani establishment with hyper active interference of their army  are exhibiting aggressive like behaviour. Time and again they are provoking us by way of intermittent cease fire violations at the LoC and International border. They are also targeting the civilian population together with their mobile and immobile assets forcing them to shift to the make shift shelters arranged by the Govt agencies.
The innumerable terrorist outfits with the covert and overt patronage of Pakistan army can be appropriately likened to a well guarded den of venom laden snakes in our back yard virtually enjoying immunity from either side. They are let loose at will to bite, persecute and kill us. This is well nigh impossible to understand the ordeal and pain of people living along the border side until and unless one has passed through the same kind of inferno of mental and physical trials and tribulations in person. The opportune time has dawned to mutilate and annihilate the snakes in the grass by flattening their hide outs beyond rejuvenation. Knee jerk reaction shall not do but a well planned and sustained action is need of the hour to render them venom less and harmless.
However, For the time being if snake is not necessarily to be killed before the ultimate dooms day, neutralize its venom by initiating the following measures;-
*No magnanimity, no mercy, no safe passage. Indus water treaty is Pakistan’s jugular vein. Tell them straight not to cause harm to us being their upper riparian if they want unimpeded water inflows from us , failing which we shall be dissolving the Indus water treaty as per provision of the International law.
* Plan more deep strikes in POK to clean sweep the terrorist outfits. It will go a long way in creating a kind of deterrent fear psychosis and shall have pointed impact on calming down the borders.
Yours etc….
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar, Jammu