PM warns more action against black money holders after Dec 30

KOBE, Nov 12:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today warned of further action against those with black money once the December 30 deadline expires for disclosing demonetised notes, saying they will have to “pay for” unaccounted cash.
At the same time, he said honest people have nothing to fear from the Government. He also made a veiled attack on the Opposition, saying a section of the people was “egging” others to speak against him on the scheme.
“I want to tell the people again and again that the Government will do everything to protect the honest. But the dishonest beware, I will make you pay for it,” he said addressing the Indian community here at a reception before winding up his three-day visit to Japan.
In a speech laced with barbs and humour, Modi said opportunities were given to those with black money to come clean.
“It is not as though opportunity was not given. Then also if you feel that it will be business as usual, I cannot be faulted.
“After December 30 scheme (the last date for depositing demonetised notes) if you feel that there will be no action, there is no guarantee that something new will not be introduced to punish you (thikane lagane ke liye),” Modi said.
“The world has changed. I gave you time. Now it is up to you, think about your son’s future,” he said, amidst cheers from the audience.
Referring to his November 8 announcement cancelling the legal tender status of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, Modi said the Government had not done it all of a sudden.
The Government, he said, had earlier brought out schemes for declaration of black money, the first of which fetched Rs 67,000 crores.
“Even then people said Modi has failed. In the last two years a sum of Rs 1.25 lakh crores has been unearthed,” he said.
Modi said what the Government has done was not to harass anybody.
“Difficulties have been there. I have given 50 days time for people to go and deposit their honest money. But I make it clear, that if anything unaccounted comes up, then I will dig the records since Independence.
“I will deploy as many people as required for this. Honest people will not face any problem. No one will be spared. Those who know me, they are intelligent as well… They think it is better to offer it to the Ganges than put it in banks… people would refuse to put even 25 paise into the Ganges,” Modi said.
He was referring to reports of the demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes dumped into the river.
Then he asked the audience should stolen wealth not be brought out.
Modi termed the demonetisation as “Swachhata Abhiyan” and hailed the undaunting spirit of the people despite their hardship following its announcement on November 8.
“I salute my countrymen. People stood in line for four hours, six hours but accepted the decision in the national interest the way people of Japan tackled the aftermath of the 2011 disaster,” he said.
“I thought long and hard about the possible difficulties and it was also important to keep it a secret. It had to be done suddenly but I never thought I will receive blessings for this,” he said.
“I salute each and every Indian. Many families had weddings, health problems…Yes they faced inconvenience but they accepted the decision,” the Prime Minister said.
“Law should be equal to everyone. People are happy about the fact that even Modi’s Rs 1,000 notes are not usable anymore,” Modi said.
Talking about avoiding harassment of honest people, Modi said housewives have been allowed to deposit Rs 2.5 lakh in their accounts and there will be no questioning.
“We will not ask her where did the money come from. As a result of this, now you can see sons and daughters-in-laws are depositing Rs 2.5 lakh in the mother’s account, who they had abandoned in old-age homes. Will the mothers not bless me?”, he asked.
Underlining that the world is acknowledging that India is the fastest-growing economy among the large global economies, he said the country is also receiving historically high FDI.
“The IMF, the World Bank all are saying in one voice. The IMF also said that India is a shining star. World economists believe India is growing at a very fast rate… I have my own definitions (of FDI). The first definition is First Develop India and the second is the Foreign Direct Investment. India is receiving historically high rate of FDI,” he said. (PTI)