Slathia castigates PDP-BJP for betraying border people

Senior NC leader SS Slathia addressing public meeting in Bari Brahmana area on Sunday.
Senior NC leader SS Slathia addressing public meeting in Bari Brahmana area on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

VIJAYPUR, Nov 13: Former minister and senior National Conference leader Surjeet Singh Slathia  strongly  criticised PDP-BJP Government  for failing in responding to the acute sufferings of residents along the International Border and Line of Control in the wake of shelling from across the border.
“The Government has  betrayed these hapless people, who the BJP exploited  during 2014 elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly by making promises that turned out to be just hoax”, Slathia said while addressing a public meeting at  Meen Charaka in Bari Brahmna area this afternoon.
Launching a scathing attack on the present Govt Slathia said that during the past  two and half years of PDP-BJP Government in two spells brought just miseries to the people, as development and implementation of various welfare schemes remained a far cry due to inexperience of the BJP. He said both the coalition partners worked at cross purposes as a result of which the people remained at the receiving end. He referred to the non-disbursement of compensation to those hit by rains and flash floods during the past two years and said the border victims got just nothing.
Slathia said that while the Coalition Government has failed in reaching out to the   border residents and those who have been affected by the rains and flash floods during the past two years, the overall scenario across the State is horribly pathetic. He said the utility services like power, drinking water and health has been deplorable while the availability of rations at the sale outlets has been scarce.
The former minister charged the PDP and BJP of working at cross purposes, saying the people are suffering adversely as a consequence. He said the situation on development front is alarming especially in remote and far-off areas while resentment is brewing among educated unemployed. He said the daily wagers have been forced to take to streets, the old-age and widows are running helter-skelter for their pensions.
Mahinder Gupta, Vijay Singh and  Bashir Malik also spoke on the occasion.