Dilli people face jamming

We, the residents of Dilli Langer, Kaluchak suffer due to road block near Chenab College of Education. As the college does not have parking facilities for students, they usually park their vehicles on both sides of the road. This makes the road narrow, and thereby creates jams. These jams have become a source of friction between local people and the students. We have even approached the police authorities, but they seem unwilling to intervene.
We, therefore request the concerned authorities to solve this problem by intervening in the matter, that too, at the earliest. Hope matter will be resolved to our satisfaction.
Rajnish Aryan
Dilli Langer Kaluchak
Repair roads in Lower Shiv Nagar
This is to bring in the notice of the concerned JMC officials that roads in Lower Shiv Nagar, near Women Polytechnic College, Jammu are under construction for the last one and a half years. Since the work is going on at a snail’s pace, it has added to woes of the residents of the area. It has also affected the business activity of the shopkeepers, as their goods gather dust during working hours. The polluted environment is posing a great threat to health of the residents.
As such it requested to the authorities to complete the work at the earliest.
Romesh Khullar
Lower Shiv Nagar
Near Women Polytechnic
Provide basic facilities in Kathua Housing Colony
State subjects opting shelter in J&K Housing Board Colony at Kathua should not have  time as parameter in their lives. Their dreams of hassle free amenities in this Colony will remain a dream as jungle like appearance of approximately 700 Kanal vast stretch of land with sporadic occurrence of residential structures speaks about insensitivity of its developers i.e J&K Housing Board. After 25 years of establishment in 1991, this Colony has put residents into deep crisis and miseries. Shocking it may sound but it is a harsh reality that except 2 Kms of internal roads there is no structure of public utility made in two and half decades. The benchmark of development of this Colony is absence of infrastructure even in its sector no. 1.
Housing Board shuts eyes towards problems of residents such as macadamisation of internal roads, development of parks, playing areas, commercial area or setting up of community centre. Residents get only hoax promises whenever they visited authorities for matters that touches their lives. To add to their woes, J&K Housing Board has started discouraging and misleading the residents by giving discrepant information  under ERI Act.
Inhabitants of  this Colony feel humiliated and harassed over lack of will at all levels to overcome the impasse. They again wish intervention of Housing and Urban Development Department for reminding J&K Housing Board of its responsibilities of providing drinking water, roads, electricity, playgrounds, parks, community centre, commercial centre. Concrete roadmap to improve the situation of only authorised Colony of District Kathua is the crying need of time.
Dr. Shashi Pal Singh
Residents Welfare Committee
J&K Housing Board Colony, Kathua
Kind attention Commissioner, JMC
On 17 Sep 2016 I made an on line  complaint to Jammu Municipal Corporation Jammu. The said complaint was registered under complaint No. JMC-1613). The excerpts of the complaint are as under:-
“There is a drain  which is passing in front of my house. The said drain remains chocked for the reason that the tractors who passing through the lane have damaged the lanter over the drain. More over the building material which is stored  on the lane is also a contributory factor for the chocking of the said drain.
You are kindly requested to depute a representative to inspect the site so that a permanent solution to the problem is made by  removing the lanter and fixing a iron net  over the drain. Moreover the street lights on some of the poles are not working properly thereby creating difficulties in movement of public during evening and night hours”.
Since no action was taken by JMC on my above complaint I booked another on line complaint which was registered as complaint No (JMC- 1653 ) on 23/09/2016 and lastly on 28/09/2016 (JMC-1706). I must appreciate that on all the occasions I received a phone call from JMC officials but nothing on ground was  done  to repair the drain and to remove the blockage from the said drain.
Seeing no action on the part of JMC I and a neighbour of mine contributed a considerable amount and got the damaged portion of the drain repaired by fixing a iron grill over there and also cleared the drain  of blockade. However, without proper equipment the drain was not cleared properly.
Hope the authorities will this time redress the grievance of the people of this area.
Sushil Dhar
H.No. 395, Sushil Nagar Extension,
Camp Road, Talab Tillo, Jammu
Link road of Moungri caves needs protection wall
A breast wall is being constructed  by the PWD (R&B), Division Udhampur to protect the Kainthgali-Moungri road’s sliding spot at 15/850 km by raising it from Shiva Caves Shrine Moungri’s single lane vehicular link road, that is passing just below it. The protection work undoubtedly is praise worthy, yet the width of link road stands marred. Unfortunately  the outer side of the road here is already in erosioned condition for the last so many years. Resultantly, original width from both the sides here has now shrunk. So the protection wall(s) here too to protect the famous and unique naturally formed caves shrine’s link road from further erosion and width loss should be erected simultaneously with the above pinned under construction protection wall.
In addition to this, the small link road of merely one and half kilometer length also screams for widening, erection of crash barriers at vulnerable spots, crossings, proper drainage and above all early macadamization upto its last edge called Sar Dabbar i.e. three days Annual Mela Moungri site in which thousands and thousands  of pilgrim-visitors from across the country participate with fervour. Currently condition of the road is not good.
Swatantra Dev Kotwal