Bhagwat for stern action against forces trying to divide country

RSS chief Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat addressing Swayamsevaks Samelan at Parade Ground, Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
RSS chief Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat addressing Swayamsevaks Samelan at Parade Ground, Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 13: In a veiled attack on subversives and forces inimical to national cause, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief, Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat today called for stern action against such forces.
Addressing a Samelan of Swayamsevaks at Parade Ground here, this afternoon, Dr Bhagwat said entire India is one country and there are no two thoughts about the same. “Those who try to divide the nation, and who are working for its disintegration should be taught a lesson”, he added.
He said RSS knows that there are many problems in the country and some forces are hell bent in challenging the unity and integrity of this nation which had a glorious past and rich cultural history. The people in J&K are confronted with these problems and they have been grappling with these problems for decades together to safeguard the national unity and integrity.
“But how far these problems will continue to disturb us”, he said, adding that these issues should not be allowed to prolong and at certain place there solution is to be found”.
Dr Bhagwat said prolonging these issues for longer  times gives a feeling that the powers at the helm of affairs either have no strength to solve them or they have some shortcomings in their efforts.
The  RSS chief while warning the forces inimical to national cause said that India is not just a piece of land but our motherland and being its children, we all are duty bound to protect it.
Maintaining that India is a democratic nation which believes in Constitution and law of the land so the Government has to act according to the same. But the main power lies in Samaj (society) and a conscious society can make the Government to act as per its wishes and aspirations. “The unity and discipline in society are must for nation building”, he added.
He said India is a vast country having a glorious past so no law is needed to imbibe the spirit of patriotism among its people and the same can be imbibed through a conscious Samaj only.
While referring to the role of the Government, he said the policies framed by it should be focused on national unity and integrity and not for breaking the same. “India is a united nation there can be individual problems in States but it should not be at the cost of national unity and integrity”, he added.
While referring to role of RSS, he said the foundation of Sangh was laid on Vijay Dashmi in 1925 by its founder, Dr Hedgewar for building a united and conscious Samaj which in turn will build a strong nation. “When society is united and conscious it can bring a change in the nation”, he added.
He said with this feeling in mind, Dr Hedgewar laid the foundation of Sangh and took a solemn pledge to work for the betterment of nation and Samaj and not for his personnel interests.
He said Dr Hedgewar showed very concern about the issues faced by the country at that time when the nation had launched a movement for freedom from British empire. The founder of Sangh while pondering over these issues thought what guarantee is there that these problems may not crop up once again and hence he tried to find the everlasting solution to them.
He said History is witness that India was invaded by various invaders from abroad including Muslims, Afghans etc and the Britishers enslaved it for long time.
He said if the fate of nation is to be changed, the unity and discipline among its individuals and Samaj is must.
Maintaining that India is nation with great cultural values and traditions, he said neither atrocities are committed here on any body nor any body is forced to convert. From times immemorial, there was total freedom for way of worship in this nation and despite this all people were tied with a strong bond having a unique cultural identity. This was the basis of Indian Sanaskriti and the people who respected all ways of worship were called Hindus as there was no binding of which God they worshipped as they have total freedom in this regard while respecting the human values was the corner stone, he added.
This feeling among the people of India imbibed the spirit of nationalism among its masses, he said, adding the Sangh is now working to create the same spirit in the Samaj.
The RSS chief said that in some countries the people are crushed for communal considerations and they are also subjected to many atrocities for their vested political interests and the economic gains but the same will not be allowed to happen in India.
Terming the RSS daily Shakha drill a Sadna (routine practice), he said, Sangh is wedded to build a strong Samaj and so every Indian should join Shakhas to discipline himself as by performing shakhas daily there is a transformation in ones life.
He said a Swayamsevak without the help of Government works for every one irrespective of his religion, region and language. He said with this dedication and selfless service of Sangh towards the nation building, India will surely emerge as Vishaw Guru.
He said taking this thought process forward in the country it can solve all the problems including the unrest and present turmoil in certain parts of country.  Uttar Zonal Sangchalak Dr Bajrang Lal Gupta, prant Sangchalak shared the dais during samelan.