Poonch Brigade in services of society

K D Maini
The Indian Army is a well -behaved organization. It always remains cordial, friendly and helpful towards the public. In J&K State, the relations between Army and Awam are more essential for winning the war on the border and battle with the terrorists. The present threats and challenges before the army are quite different from the conventional war. Therefore in Poonch sector, 93 Inf. Brigade popularly known as Poonch Brigade is sincerely implementing the new people friendly ideas and concepts in the border belt in which it  not only provides security but also helps the people to look after their day to problems.
This Brigade is considered the savior and defender of Poonch. This Brigade has not only defeated the enemyduring last three battles of 1947, 65 and 71 on the LOC but also combatted terrorism successfully in militancy infested area  with the cooperation of  people of this area. During last one and a half  years, there has been complete normalcy and peace in this sector.  On the directions of Brigade commander, the units in forward areas keep strict vigil on the border and also look after the problems, urges and aspirations of the natives residing near the LOC. At the same time, the commander and his officers  mix  with the public, share their sorrow and joy, honour their faith and respect and their local values in such a manner that the natives of border area consider the security personnel as their family members. This good will gesture of the army is reciprocated by the Awam by providing all help to army as and when required. In this way the atmosphere of trust and confidence between army and Awam is established. This atmosphere has been created with sincere efforts of the Army under the able guidance of the commander who is always helpful ,friendly and sympathetic towards public. Some of his efforts appreciated by the natives of border area are worth mentioning.
83 families of Chapprianhamlet of last inhabited village Sawgian on the LOC and 110 families of   village Dalhan were located in fence out area between the last posts and the fencing. Their life in the fence out hamlets was miserable. Due to security reasons on the LOC, they were allowed to cross the gates of the fencing  at  a fixed hour. Therefore there was a great problem for the habitants and their animals during  mobility. In a number of cases, the families were having their houses in fenceout hamlets and their land holding were located on the other side of the fencing and they along with their cattle had to travel miles together to cross the gates and reach their fields and pasture areas located on the other side. Keeping in view the genuine and humane problems of the habitants of these fenceout hamlets, the fencing was lifted and realignment of fencing was done in such a manner that the natives of these hamlets were freed from this problem. In this manner, 1280 souls residing in these hamlets got benefitted. One Mr. Syed Mohammad of village Dalan  while appreciating this sincere effort of Brigade commander told that this was a great relief for the natives. Now they have again become a part of the social life of the village, they are sending their children to schools, attending  social functions in the villages and now. They live in a normal life.
Similarly 107 families of Kirni village located near the LOC were shifted from their native houses about 10 years back and settled in a colony established by the local administration in the  nearby village Qasba which is three km behind Kirni.These families were not allowed to reside in their native houses due to security threats and cross firing. The natives were facing great problem in going to their land holding every day along with theircattle in the morning and after crossing the gates of the fencing at fixed hours and coming back before the sun set. Last year these natives were allowed to go back to their village and reside in their houses. This was a big decision of Poonch Brigade taken in the interest of natives in spite of security problems. MolviMohd Syed, Sarpanch Panchayat Kirni and a prominent personality of Poonch while hailing this positive decision of Poonch brigade told that this was the start of  a new era for the natives of Kirni.  The decision to  allow these families reside near the LOC indicates the trust and confidence of Army on the border people.  He further said that Poonch brigade in consultation with the natives and Panchayat have now launched a developmental plan for the betterment of  the families residing in Kirni village which includes construction of  a road upto Kirni,  Community Hall and toilet facilities, provision of 22 Solar lights and free medicines.
Fairs and festivals is a part of social life of the people.In Poonch sector  these are four  important shrines namely Swami Budha Amar NathMandi, GurdwaraNangaliSahab, ZariatSainIllahiBakashBatalkote and ZairatSainMiranBakashGuntrian.
On the eve of Charri Mubarak Yatra, BisakhiMela and Uras of DervaishSahab thousands and thousands pilgrims of the State and abroad assemble and celebrates these festivals. The Brigade commander himself participates in these social functions. Apart from security cover, the army also provides necessary help to the management committees during such functions. This year a three days international conclave on Ulmas (Religious Priest) was organized by Muslim community under the banner of Anwar-ul-Uloom, which was attended about fifty thousand people. The Poonch Brigade provided Shaminas, tents, utensils and kept full laision with the management committee to make this religious program a success.  Maulana Farooq Hussain Misbahi, Khateeb Jamia Masjid Poonch while appreciating the good will gesture of Poonch brigade told that the assistance from the army  is a manifestation of  cordial relation between army and the Awam.
As per the survey conducted in Poonch district, there are about 300 handicapped persons who became disabled due to mine blast, cross firing, militancy related activities, and accidents. To revive the life of  these handicapped, Poonch Brigade encouraged and assisted financially Pritam Spiritual Trust in setting up an  Artificial Limb center at Poonch, where limbs are fitted to disabled persons free of cost. During this year, army provided 42 artificial limbs and 5 try cycles to the trust for disabled persons. One beneficiary Mohd Aslam resident of  Shah Pur had lost his leg in mine blast and got a limb fitted in the artificial limb center. The fitting of limb has given him confidence and moral strength and now he has started working normally and earning his livelihood by getting employment in an organization.For the first time Poonch Brigade sent 40 disabled persons of remote and border areas on 11 days Bharat Darshan tour so that they could also see the big cities and visit the religious places. S. Jagbir Singh President Spiritual Trust Poonch who was leading this group during Bharat Darshan tour told that they visited  Jaipur, Delhi, Agra and Ajmer ShariefZariat and enjoyed this memorable tour nicely, all facilities were provided by the army during the tour.  This was a big and memorable event for handicapped person who visited the metro politan cities and renowned shrines of the country for the first time.
There are about 11,000 unemployed  educated youth in rural and border areas under the jurisdiction of Poonch Brigade. All efforts are being made by the army to help these youth so that they could earn their livelihood. Recently, about 80 youth were trained in various trades under army youth employment generation node. So for 12 such youths have join defense services.
Besides, the Brigade provides training. It also organises periodical medical camps in the areas.
The Brigade under the present Commander N K   Mago takes personal interest in every matter pertaining to welfare of people. Under the overall supervision of Major Gen K H Singh of 25 Infantary brigade.