About online marketing

Sunny Arora

Online marketing also known as online advertising or web advertising, is a way of advertising and selling products online. In online marketing, the sellers can sell their products to the customers without one-to-one contact. This can be done by means of website. Many business enterprises have their own websites where they show off their products to their customers. Customers search for the products online and get a long list of the related query. The earliest way of selling products was advertising on the television and banners on the roadsides. Earlier people have to move around for the days in search of a particular thing. This was a tiresome job but now with the help of online shopping we can get each and everything very quickly in a fraction of seconds without any need of moving. Not only shopping but we can do businesses online like printing works at a very cheap rate. We can do insurances online by comparing very prices of the various companies. In today’s era,everything is possible to do online. We can easily purchase books, study material at very cheap rates. There are many open source websites where you can find material for free studying. We can also earn money by online advertising. We can find various jobs online. We can work online by sitting at our homes. Typing, data entry, watching videos online are the various ways by which you can earn money online by part time work. Blogging is another way by which you can earn money online. Blogging is the way of uploading data online so that people can easily find information regarding their topic. Many people have turned to full time blogging from a part time blogger. We can also earn money by video uploading on various subjects. The more the users watch the video the more you earn. The video is a best way of earning these days. Youtube is a famous website/app for watching and uploading videos online and offline both these days. There are many websites which sells medicines at very cheap rates and are available at our doorstep. Moreover, we can order food online anywhere of our choice. We need not to go to restaurants or hotels for enjoying delicious foods. They are served at our homes so that we can relish them with our loved ones. Earlier, people considered online transactions to be unsecured but now it is not so. The online transactions involving money are safe and secured now. There is a no issue of thefts of passwords or pin of accounts. Now we can perform online transactions without any hesitation in our minds. Thus, the seller can earn money by selling its products each and every corner of the world and the customer is benefitted because his time and money are saved.
How we can do online marketing
Website: The most common way of online marketing is creating a website for our product / company, for example, dailyexcelsior.com, onviews.com . Today we can easily make our website where we can display the quality, price, pictures of our products so that the customer could easily be satisfied with what he needs and what we sell.
Email marketing: Today most of the business enterprises send their ads to their customers via email. They send some special offers and deals message alerts to their customers so that they can avail the opportunity.
Social media marketing: Many online sellers send their ads and links on the various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter , Google Plus etc. where people approach many times so that they could be able to know various products available on various sites.
Affiliate marketing: In this type of marketing the seller approaches brokers i.e. some middle man or third party who display the ads on his website, blog etc. and earn money by the number of visitors that purchase from the website through the link given there. The various ways by which the third man links customers are the phone calls, filling out an online form, discount coupons etc.
Application generation: we can also create applications shortly called as apps for various products promotion. An app is a best way where you can sell all kinds of products collaboratively at one place by linking various brand and companies.
Why should we do online marketing
Cost : The cost is the main concern of a customer. Every costumer has desire to buy a product at the most possible cheap rate. Thus on online marketing you can easily compare the cost of product on various sites and can buy at the cheap rate.
Speed : The ads which are made for online advertising once created can be displayed very fast on any website without any delay. Also the products ordered reach very fastly at our homes or wherever we need.
Reachability : Today the products are reachable at every corner of the world. There is hardly any place where there is no delivery of items.
Targeting: The products reach safely to the targets without any breakage/ damage etc.
Modes of payment : The customers have the option for payment such as cash on delivery if we donot want to do online transaction.
Easy return policy : If you donot like the project or there is any other issue related to the project delivered to you, you can easily return the product to the company without any charges.
No hidden charges:There are no hidden charges applied to the customers like taxes etc. but they have to pay only what was written there like cost and shipping charges.
Online Advertising enables everyone to purchase or sell anything anywhere. As a seller you don’t need to have a particular space for settling your business. And a customer you need not to visit various places in search of a product. They can sit back and relax at their homes and enjoy the shopping experience. What as a customer we need, best and cheap items, online advertising provides us so. And as a seller what we need our maximum sales which we easily get on online advertising by reaching lacks of customers in few seconds. Not only as a seller we can earn but as a third party vendor also we can earn by displaying the ads on various websites , by sending various messages , mails and calling to customers. Many people who cannot go to market for buying the items, can easily buy it.Online advertising is a simple, safe and best way of selling and buying things.