CEC takes stock of ongoing development works

CEC LAHDC, Leh, Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo taking stock of developmental activities at Leh.
CEC LAHDC, Leh, Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo taking stock of developmental activities at Leh.

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Nov 19: Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Leh, Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo today visited various areas of Leh and took stock of the ongoing development activities.
Accompanied by Lower Leh Councilor, P Wangdan Shunu, XEn R&B, Dorjey Gyatso, AEEs, representatives of Municipal Committee, Leh and engineers, the CEC visited Skanos- Gogsum, Upper Skampari, Skampari Saphut Labab, Skampari Shey Mohalla, Skampari, Skampari Yokma, Skampari A & B Nurbooling Skampari, Katmochey, Maney Tselding, Nimoling, Skitsaling and Diskit-Tsal to take stock of ongoing developmental activities and to assess the problems of the people.
Nominated Councilor, Advocate Mohammad Nassir, also joined the visiting team at Skampari area. At Skyanos Gogsum and Stago Philog, the residents complained about the objection made by LOTI, a Leh based NGO on the project carried under RAY which has suspended the project works. The CEC said that these are historically important places and ensured to resume the works under RAY soon after considering the genuineness of issue raised by LOTI.
On people’s complaint, CEC also instructed concern engineers of PWD to make the new drainage tank functional in a week’s time to address the water logging problem near community land of Stago-Philog.
The residents of Skampari areas and new settlements in Skampari areas demanded for water, power and road facilities. Dr Dawa informed that he has already submitted the need for transformers and electric poles with concern authority in Jammu recently and assured its supply before road closure if weather remains favourable, else by beginning of next working season.
He urged the people to take water connections under the ongoing project on time and said that road woks will be carried soon. People also complained about poor broadcast network of DDK, Leh to which CEC assured that matter has been taken up at high level to upgrade the network coverage of DDK, Leh.
At Maney-Tselding, Nimoling and Old Bus stand, CEC also took stock of the issue of water flowing on roads becoming major cause of road accidents. The Lower Leh Councilor P Wangdan Shunu at all the visited villages apprised the visiting team about the issues and demands of people and assured his maximum efforts in addressing the problems.