Naeem kick-starts refresher training of physics teachers under RMSA

A dignitary imparting skills to physics teachers.
A dignitary imparting skills to physics teachers.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 25: Directorate of Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyaan (RMSA), J&K kick-started the refresher training of physics teachers here in a starter workshop.
The training titled “Re-vitalizing School Physics Education through Concept-oriented Teaching” is being organized in collaboration with the National Anveshika Network of India (NANI), a unit of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) led by Prof HC Verma, renowned author of “Concepts of Physics” and Prof IIT Kanpur.
The workshop was inaugurated by Naeem Akhter, Minister for Education. He interacted with the eminent resource persons Prof HC Verma, Prof BN Das, Prof Marwah and highlighted the importance of the project in cementing quality education in physics. He emphasised on the trainings to equip the teachers in ways that makes both learning as well as teaching enjoyable for the students and the teachers alike.
In a period of three months, the project will train 500 physics teachers of J&K to demo-based teaching methodology related to grade 9-10 physics syllabus. The teachers will be equipped with a Personal Laboratory for Understanding Science (PLUS) Kit with which they can teach 20-30 topics in an effective manner. These teachers will become equipped in imparting hours of science show to students of junior classes and can be used for Science Popularization Programmes. About 40 to 50 teachers will be ready to be developed into resource persons and will run further Training Programmes. 50 to 60 video presentations will be made available related to topics from J&K syllabus of grade 9-10 which will be recorded at IIT Kanpur and distributed as DVDs and via other broadcast means. A web portal for the teachers will be made where they can connect with best physics faculty across the country.
Saugat Biswas, State Project Director, RMSA said that this is for the first time that they have been able to bring in reputed faculty as resource persons from places like the IITs and imparting training in teaching methodologies which will have a direct impact on the learning levels of the teachers.
Along with Prof Verma, the workshop has experts from Kolkata, Pune and Chandigarh. RMSA invited about 22 other lecturers and teachers of Government schools from the State. Nine similar workshops will be conducted in Srinagar and Jammu in the next three months by the Resource Persons taking district wise teachers in batches of 50 participants each.
Syed Ishtiaq, a Lecturer from Government School in Budgam said, “First time in the history of J&K, such trainings are being conducted by reputed national level resource persons and will definitely set a landmark in teacher training for the years to come”.