Lt Gen Bhatt is new DGMO

NEW DELHI, Nov 28:
Lt Gen A K Bhatt has been appointed as the country’s new Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) and will be in charge of all Army operations including on the LoC which has seen heightened tension.
Bhatt, a Gorkha officer, replaced Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, who has been appointed as the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the Mathura-based Strike 1 Corps — one of the three assault forces of the Army — which is mandated to cross into Pakistan in a short notice.
It was during the tenure of Lt Gen Singh that India carried out surgical strikes at five separate locations in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir to target terrorist launch pads.
Bhatt is at present posted in the Army Headquarters as the Additional Director General of CAB (Complaint and Advisory Board).
The appointment was cleared by the Appointment Committee of the Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Lt Gen Shokin Chauhan, who headed the Strike 1 Corps, has been appointed as the new chief of the Assam Rifles. (PTI)