It is quite dismaying to note that no serious attention is paid to give teeth to RTI Act in the State which has been rightly described as a Toothless Tiger after it was rendered powerless by the previous State Government.
The RTI Act had become an effective instrument with people to seek information from Government Departments regarding various issues confronting them. It has kept bureaucracy on tenterhooks and  they were liable to furnish details once anybody sought information from them. It had brought transparency and accountability in the system. People were happy that their pleas are being heard in the corridors of power. Now when RTI Department has become almost defunct, people feel quite helpless and dismayed.
The silence maintained by almost all political parties over the public interest issue is quite intriguing. One expected  that  political parties should had raised this issue before the Government with hue and cry. Even civil society members have maintained silence on the issue.
It is requested to all NGOs and Civil Society members to raise this issue before the Government before it is made irrelevant.
Yours etc…
Amit Mahajan
Shastri Nagar, Jammu