Choose clothes that fit your personality

Sunny Arora

Fashion is ever changing but style remains constant. This is one of the most consistent statements that have been followed for so long. The changing trends and ever evolving sense of fashion has made the contemporary world a fashion addict. No matter where you go, there will be some sort of fashion statement that you will have to follow. However style is something that does not change and it comes with your own personal preference. So no matter where you go, your individual style will always be carried forward. You may change your fashion ideals but never quite your style quotient.
Sometimes there are phases when you may make the wrong fashion statement and this makes it a disastrous situation for your personal style statement. Hence these are the times when you need to understand that no matter what you are wearing, it is imperative that it fits you perfectly and you are wearing the dress and not the other way around. So if you are making frequent mistakes, then it is time that you took a step forward and understood and implement some tips that will help you to choose the right kind of clothes and make you feel absolutely fabulous.
Get the right Fit
So if you are constantly in a fix regarding what to do then take a look at the tips below to help yourself out in choosing the right clothes for yourself.
* Understand your body – Make sure that you are aware of your own measurements because this will be the first guide towards picking up the right clothes. Right from the bust to the stomach and hips, these are some of the basic requirements that will fetch you the right kind of clothes. If you keep on forgetting your size, then there is no shame in carrying around a measurement tape with you.
* Know what type of figure you have – There are a number of times when you will get stuck trying to understand the kind of body shape you have. But this is easy. Go through any reference platform and get to see the number of shapes to consider from. From pear shaped to hour glass figure or voluptuous and straight, make the right pick and get a good guidance regarding which kind of clothes suits the best on what kind of body. Once you are aware of this, choosing will become easy.
* Colors and shapes – This will have a huge impact on the way you look and whether at all it suits you or not. Certain shapes and patterns are just made to fit a particular kind of body. The same goes for colors. Hence get a good idea of what suits you and what doesn’t and then follow the kind of the clothes you want.
* Go by your desire – Sometimes it is just important to pay attention to what you actually want to wear as opposed to what the rules tell you to do. So if you feel that you want that LBD, then don’t wait, just go and grab it already. However do make sure that you are always comfortable in what you wear. Remember that you need to breathe in the clothes that you wear, so make it stylish but comfortable by all means.
* Get your signature style – After years of shopping you are bound to develop a personal style, so always stick to that. Understand the kind of clothes you want and go by it.
Feel good
Feeling good is the only thing you need to be concerned about when you have selected a dress. So make sure that your body loves the attire and you can flaunt it with utmost sophistication. Once you understand the golden rules of selecting the right clothes, you can become a fashion diva in your own right.