Intangible heritage of yoga

In 2014 India tabled a proposal at the UNESCO to recognize Yogic practices as intangible cultural heritage of entire humanity. Worthy of note is that 24-member Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, ultimately overturned the decision of an Evaluation Body of technical experts, seeking to defer the case to the next session of the Committee in 2017. The declaration of yoga as a ‘Human Treasure’ enjoyed the unanimous support at the UNESCO. It is an honour to our country for making valuable contribution to human civilization. Yoga is not only just some bodily exercises; it is essentially the unique effort of human kind to harmonize body with soul focusing on a state of peace and tranquillity. Peace in the world emanates from peaceful minds and Yoga is an effort towards that end. Recognising its universal appeal, in December 2014, the United Nations had proclaimed June 21 as International Yoga Day.