Mehbooba responsible for turmoil in Kashmir: Omar

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Dec 3: Former Chief Minister and opposition National Conference working president, Omar Abdullah, today trained guns on Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti, and blamed her for the present turmoil in Kashmir.
Addressing party workers in Baramulla town of North Kashmir, Omar accused People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) coalition Government of failure, claiming the present dispensation is visible only on television sets and has failed even in providing basic amenities including power and ration to the people.
Accusing Mehbooba of absolving herself from all responsibilities of present unrest in Kashmir valley, the NC working president said instead of taking responsibility of the situation, she blamed boys killed in security forces firing, their parents, police and political parties including NC and also separatists.
“If anyone is responsible for the situation most, then that is you (Mehbooba Mufti) because you spoke in different languages and gave multiple versions. You (Mehbooba Mufti) confused people on Burhan Wani (encounter) and used different languages,” Omar said, while referring to the statements of Chief Minister after gunning down of Wani, the slain Hizbul Mujahideen commander, on July 8.
Omar accused Chief Minister of using a top intelligence official to change his statement on Burhan Wani’s encounter. “That time, the then CID incharge said ‘we were giving information to Mehbooba Mufti from time to time on encounter; that who was trapped, whom we are trying to nab’… but when this come out (in media) and you (CM) came to know its reaction would be wrong, you yourself asked that officer to give another statement,” he said.
The former Chief Minister questioned Mehbooba over blaming youths for pelting stones and worsening situation. “When even Mehbooba Mufti said had she been aware of Burhan’s presence she would have given him another chance and also BJP’s Deputy CM, Dr Nirmal Singh says ‘we killed Burhan by mistake’, then why you blame children for stone-pelting and worsening situation,” he said.
The NC’s second-top most leader accused Chief Minister of being ‘dual faced’ and said late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and Mehbooba Mufti wanted to overthrow his Government during 2010 unrest. He said, however, the NC has no such intentions during the present unrest which is now around in its fifth month.
“I clearly remember when in 2010, the situation deteriorated akin to 2016, how late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and his daughter, who is the Chief Minister today, were knocking doors of leaders of that time in Delhi and were carrying only one message: overthrow Omar Abdullah and his Government, the peace and peaceful environment will prevail (in Kashmir).
“Had we wanted, we could have also used current situation (for our gains) like they (PDP) used in 2010. We knocked doors at Delhi not for getting Government but to make path of present Government easy and (we wanted) somehow something good should come out for this State from this destruction,” said Omar.
He said that he impressed upon Centre to fulfill the promises made with the people of State and ‘come out of this misconception that Pakistan has set the Kashmir on fire’. Rejecting Centre’s claim, Omar said youths in Kashmir don’t pelt stones by taking 500 and 1000 notes. “Don’t insult these youths. No father, no mother… would like their son to die for Rs 500,” he said.
The NC leader asked Government to ensure it provides electricity, ration supply, quality healthcare services and facilities and also demanded talks with all parties and sections. He said there is no electricity in Kashmir and slammed Government for hiking ration prices.
Omar said there is no return of normalcy in Kashmir and had that been the case the Government would have been visible on ground. “… I have come to the conclusion that there is no Government… we should clear the misconception that there is normalcy. There is no normalcy. Even today, there is no sight of Government,” he added.
The former Chief Minister demanded talks and resolution of all issues. He said: … “We want resolution of State’s political issue; we want talks that you promised with us. Come and talk… solve the issues of people; solve the problems of children’s education, solve the problems in healthcare, solve the problem of unemployment. And, if you cannot do this, then you have no right to be in Government.”