Natrang presents Hindi play ‘Kavita Ka Chakkar’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 4: ‘Kavita Ka Chakkar’, a play in Hindi written by Devraj Dinesh and directed by Neeraj Kant was staged today at Natrang Studio Theatre. The play makes us aware about the constant struggle which artists have to undergo in pursuance of their passion and giving creative expressions to their feelings.
In the play ‘Kavita Ka Chakkar’ tragedy of a poet has been depicted in such a comic manner that it prompts the spectators to laugh on his tragic fate. It is rarely seen in theatre that a tragedy is woven in a comedy manner. The audience lived through with a heavy heart the creative frustrations of a poor poet but had to laugh the way he reacted to his environment.
The play though in a funny style portrayed the harsh reality behind the creation of creative works. Our country in particular may take centuries to reach to level when we’ll have thrust for creativity and understanding for the arts and literature. Finally when it becomes extremely difficult for him to write, he starts hitting his head and says that this world is not meant for creative people.
The artists who participated in the play included Goutam Sharma, Aman Kapoor, Rajat Salgotra, and Koushal Manhas. The Lights were operated by Neeraj Kant and the music was scored by Gautam Kumar. Mohd Yaseen coordinated the show.