Road accidents in Chenab valley

From last several decades, a series of road accidents claimed hundreds of innocent lives in Chenab valley and its adjoining areas.
The truck accident over Dunadi Bunjwah road in which driver of the vehicle was killed is one in  the series of accidents that took place in Bunjwah area of Kishtwar district in Chenab valley. The reasons are not far to seek with regard to these accidents.
The deficient services has been leading to overloading and rash driving resulting in accidents every now and then in Chenab valley.
The passengers travelling in buses and other commuter services have lost their lives for no fault of theirs as they were just commuting on the roads as per their daily requirements. In most of the cases, accidents have been attributed to over-loading and bad condition of road.
In some cases, the buses and other vehicles that have fallen into Chenab river have not been traced and the passengers also remained untraced for months together.
In other cases, the bodies were sadly recovered from Chenab river tens of kilometers downstream after many weeks. The spate of accidents in the recent past were also caused by dilapidated road conditions and some of the roads are not traffic worthy just like Dunadi Bunjwah road.
The Government and its agencies wake up to the situation only after some major accident has taken place. Otherwise, the Government agencies go into deep slumber after announcing half-hearted measures to check the number of accidents and promises to improve the road conditions as well as the commuter services.
Everything is forgotten once the anger of the people goes off after a weeks or months. No Government in the past has bothered to improve the commuter services for the convenience of the people living in far flung areas when dependable and reliable transport operations totally are missing in  the chenab region.
The truck accident on  Bunjwah road near Kuna Morh shows complete failure of JK-PCC and PMGSY in maintaining and restoration of roads.
If Government is sincere in avoiding these avoidable accidents, it must frame an action plan wherein all problems are studied and a solution is found for them. Thereafter, these should be implemented in letter and spirit. Otherwise accidents would continue to occur.
Yours etc…
Raja Shafqat Sheikh