Women empowerment

Pallika Razdan
We all are familiar with the word feminism. The word explains to advocate the women rights and to eradicate the gender disparity that is pervasive in our society. Turning the pages of time, the history unfolds the truth before us that the women have faced gender discrimination in the entire world. The women have struggled to break all the stereotypes and managed to prove their mettle in all realms. My motive is not to favour the women, it is to reach the broader aspect of life that we all are homo sapiens-‘the biological term for humans’ therefore men and women hold equal  status.Our species has skilfully learned to adapt and survive over the past billion years and pioneered in transforming the world and touching the new horizons.But even after so many years of evolution only the men appear to have the sovereign power,the only predecessors and successors of the throne, the one with the supreme authority. Our society embodies the conventional thoughts,it prejudices about women. Women face domestic violence,they are exploited at workplaces and households, coerced into prostitution, abused, are alleged victims of human trafficking.These social evils spark immense outrage among women. The inference   can be drawn is that the women are deprived of their basic rights.So can we call our “nation” a developed one.We compare a nation’s development with the emerging international businesses, technological reforms, we believe in manufacturing the best quality products, high class medical equipment and ammunition. We endeavour to reach the excellence and perfection. What builds a nation is its citizens. A nation can embark on the journey of success when its citizens are safe, when they can freely exercise their constitutional rights. So are we heading towards success? The answer is undoubtedly, no, we aren’t. We can’t blame the executive body to uphold the law. We as citizens ought to remove the root cause of the violence. We can’t overlook the problems and sit back with the relenting attitude.  The women and the men must battle against the wrong practices done against women. The women folk require unwavering support from the other women  as well as the men.Men must respect the women at the offices ,they should  report to the police if they witness any crime and take immediate step if they see any women in danger. Even at the households they must ensure that their wives or daughters aren’t being victimised, they must assist the women in household chores and listen to their opinions. We all must come at the forefront to safeguard the women rights.Men’s participation therefore can instigate significant changes and is an essential factor that  triggers the growth of women. Women should be admired, appreciated, encouraged and praised for their work  both at the workplaces and households. They must be promoted,raised through the ranks for their  hard work to boost their confidence and  must be awarded with accolades.Today women are independent,self-reliant , strong  and wise, they serve in combat arms, the women astronauts have explored the space and received the  global recognition, they are prominent political leaders, social workers, businesswomen or entrepreneurs.The anti-social elements of the society  who give birth to the crimes against women must be harshly punished so that nation’s progress is inevitable. Even the government has a decisive role to play, they must never violate the women rights during the protests,there must be provision of funds to the women who are financially weak, the judiciary should be impartial and unbiased in making decisions that don’t favour the accused. So I would like to conclude that the women aren’t bound to live in constraints, under anybody’s dominance, they aren’t confined to the four walls of a house, its not a patriarchal world anymore. Its time that the women break the old walls and explore the  world of great opportunities that awaits them where women outsmart others and lead the nation to glory.