PoJK DPs protest, seek clarification on relief

Displaced persons from PoJK staging protest in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Displaced persons from PoJK staging protest in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 20: The displaced persons from Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir today staged protest demanding clarification on quantum of relief amount to be disbursed among the displaced families as announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year.
The displaced persons from PoK under the banner of PoJK Refugees Front-1947, 65, 71 assembled near Maharaja Hari Singh Park here today and started protest demanding justice for displaced persons from PoJK and other categories. The members of displaced community led by Rachhpal Singh Chib, president, assembled at Hari Singh Park in the morning and started their protest. They demanded that process of distribution of Rs 2000 crore package announced by Prime Minister be started without any delay. They claimed that this amount should not be treated as full and final package as many other components of the package have been ignored. There is confusion over the quantum of relief and it should be clarified, they added.
The displaced persons including women activists strongly demanded that Govt should provide them justice. They were also protesting against the PRO for his allegedly shady role in previous package during 2000 and ignoring many deserving families. They said there was no clarity in PM’s package and all type of displaced persons were still confused. They also demanded enhancement in package announced.
Chib while addressing the protesting DPs said State Govt issued notification during March this year through DC Jammu, inviting documents to be submitted along with application form for all categories of DPs for claims. The PRO and DC have been appointed as designated authorities for this purpose. It is strange that even after several months no additional staff has been deployed to verify the documents of the DPs at the designated offices. He demanded inclusion of 5300 left out families, ownership rights to DPs of 1947, issuance of ALC certificate to DPs and 5 % reservation to their wards in jobs and professional colleges. He also demanded Rs 30 lakh compensation for each DP family as recommended JPC. He urged upon the BJP-PDP to bring bills in the State Assembly for quota and reservation of 8 seats for the DPs in the coming Budget session.