NC castigates PDP-BJP coalition for failure on all fronts

National Conference Provincial President Devender Singh Rana addressing public gathering at Mendhar on Thursday.
National Conference Provincial President Devender Singh Rana addressing public gathering at Mendhar on Thursday.

* Seeks Indo-Pak dialogue to end hostilities on borders

Excelsior Correspondent

MENDHAR, Dec 22: Amid total shut-down in Mendhar township along Line of Control against abject failure of PDP-BJP Government on all fronts, National Conference today said the people were finding themselves at the cross roads of history with lack of direction and will to govern compounding the perception of political uncertainty in Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing huge rally at the border town this afternoon, National Conference Provincial President Devender Singh Rana and MLA Javed Rana said that the hope of inclusive development and political reconciliation has been taken over by despair, as the unholy PDP-BJP alliance has failed to satiate the urges and aspirations of people.
Devender Singh Rana said the slogans of change and ‘Ache Din’ have proven hoax and the coalition partners have reneged on every single statement and promise they made during elections, which they fought as per clandestine understanding.
“Having bitterly campaigned against each other by exploiting regional and religious sentiments, the PDP and BJP ultimately surrendered their much trumpeted stands just for petty trappings of political power. “They fought elections like a fixed match and are continuing to play to the galleries by whipping up passions as per a well chalked out strategy”, he said, adding that this duplicity and insincerity has brought the State to morass. He
Referring to traumatic situation being faced by border dwellers due to intermittent ceasefire violations and skirmishes, the Provincial President said the alarming security scenario calls for thaw between Indo-Pak relations. “If ceasefire agreement arrived during the tenure of Atal Behari Vajpayee could work for over a decade why can’t a similar initiative be taken to end hostilities and pave way for peace”, he asked, saying the two neighbouring countries have no option but to talk, notwithstanding jingoistic posturing by the two sides.
Rana expressed concern over concerted attempts of the coalition partners to polarise situation in order to hide their failures on governance front. While development has been pushed to back burners, grievances of the people on account of scare rations, erratic power and drinking water supply and availability of minimum  basics have added to their woes, he added.
Speaking on the occasion, senior leader and MLA Javed Rana said the total shut-down in the town is a wake-up call for the insensitive and irresponsible PDP-BJP Government, which has neglected the entire Pir Panchal region in a systematic manner. “Though development deficit is a state-wide phenomenon yet the twin district of Poonch and Rajouri were suffering from Governmental attention on all fronts”, he said and termed the Mendhar Bandh as referendum against the coalition government.
Javed Rana highlighted sector-wise deficiencies accrued and accumulated during the past over 20 months and said the semblance of the Government is not seen anywhere on ground. “Due to lack of political direction, the administration too is finding itself clueless with regard to responding to the needs of the people”, he said and warned that public patience should not be tested anymore.
He  also highlighted local problems and held out an ultimatum to the coalition government for redressing these lest the people will be forced to take to streets.