Sri Sri Ravi Shanker on Reincarnation

Someone asks about Reincarnation!!
Sri Sri: Reincarnation. What do you want to know about it? (all laugh) See, consciousness is energy. Consciousness is what? It is energy and intelligence. Like in your body every atom of your body is a recycled one, there is nothing new in the body. You came into the world with four kilos, right? Seven pounds, ten pounds, something like that. But then you have …. How much do you weigh now? Seventy kilos … These seventy kilos, that is additional sixty-five kilos, sixty-six kilos you added by eating all. French fries, pizzas, and potatoes, baked up potatoes and noodles. Swiss cheese and marzipan (all laugh), and chocolate …. All this stuff go built — and where did all those things like potatoes come from? The same material Right? So our body is not new, it is very old, every cell in this body is … Atoms in this body are … same, old, ancient, but got recycled, formed new, isn’t it? The air you breathe is all recycled. So no atom, no energy or matter is new, it’s all recycled.
But this mind which is a huge energy – what is it? It is…consciousness is energy and intelligence. When someone dies, the body disintegrates. All the nitrogen, oxygen atoms go back into the earth. But the mind remains like energy.
Like a wave, like a cloud. And the last impression in the mind causes it’s the next birth. like when a mouse dies it becomes a cat. Because the biggest impression in the mouse’s mind is ….. cat.
Whatever is your fear or your desire or your last impression – whatever that is the strongest causes the next birth.
So the last impression, the last moment just before you leave the body, if you’re only thinking of chicken you’re sure to find yourself in the poultry farm. The last impression is very important.
Usually human beings are born again as human beings. And deep attachment usually you have is for children. You know, that’s why there was a tradition all over the world, even in Africa, in India, you named the great grandfather’s name to the son. George V., George VI, George IV… So the great grandfather whoever they were, their name is kept because they get reborn like that. But if your attention is on the divine then you become, you merge with that space, then you become free. That is the last thing. And in the last moment, if your mind is free, full of peace, and bliss, and love, and joy, not fear or anxiety, then that state of mind, that consciousness becomes free. If it wants, it can come back, if it doesn’t want, it doesn’t need to come back. That is called freedom. Liberation means what? Free. You are free because you are contended. You have nothing more to do. You want to do something? You can come. If you choose to come, you can come. Then you can choose where you want to come. That is all. (Laughs)
What do you think? It’s not a big thing you cannot know. It’s very simple. Just taking the mind backwards. Just remembering, you know, memory. All is possible.
It is true, and it could be managed (laughs, all laugh). Reality is that it is true and it is imagination (laughs). Very good.
A thought is an impulse of energy and intelligence. An impulse of energy and intelligence.  Definitely a thought goes in a language. But as a feeling it’s beyond language, it’s very subtle. Where do they come from? Interesting. They are like the clouds. The clouds are in the sky, right? In the way in your consciousness these thoughts, they come and they go. Right? It is their thoughts of thoughts, but often mind catches hold of some and thinks: this is my thought, my thought, my thought. (someone speaks) Right. You know, the more stressed we are, not clear, then the thought gets always stuck. Not sleeping in time … Laughs) not me! Anyone’s birthday today?