7 packets of ‘heroin’ recovered near Indo-Pak border in Amritsar

CHANDIGARH: The Border Security Force (BSF) today seized seven packets of a substance suspected to be heroin near the International Border under the Bharopal Border Outpost in Amritsar sector.

BSF troops even opened fire on Pakistani smugglers, though they managed to escape by taking cover of dense fog, officials said.

“At about 1050 hrs, some suspicious movement was observed by BSF personnel ahead of border security fence in the area of responsibility of Border Out Post, Bharopal, Ex-138Bn BSF, Amritsar sector.

“BSF troops challenged the suspicious Pak smugglers to stop, but they continued with their aggressive posture. To stop their misadventure further, BSF troops opened fire on them, but the Pak smugglers managed to escape taking cover of dense fog,” BSF officials said.

A special search operation was launched by BSF in the area and during search, 7 packets (7 kg) of contraband suspected to be heroin were recovered, they said. (AGENCIES)