ASHA workers take up demands with Director

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 28: A thirty- member deputation of ASHA Workers Union Jammu, affiliated  with CITU and headed by Sham Prasad Kesar senior leader of CITU, met the Mission Director, Nation Health Mission Jammu and put forth a charter of demands before him.
During the meeting they demanded that NHM should be made permanent health programme, ASHA workers be regularised as Health workers and they should be paid minimum wages of Rs 18000 per month, until this is implemented.
Kesar demanded that ASHA workers be paid fixed monthly amount in addition to their incentives and they should be covered under `Aam Admi Bima Yojna’ like Anganwadi wokers, moreover, they should get all social security benefits like pension, gratuity, maternity benefits as recommended by 45th Indian Labour Conference.
It was also stressed upon the authorities to provide rest rooms in all Health Centres, provision of uniforms, ID Cards, bus passes, BPL Cards etc to the ASHA workers. They should also be provided some additional amount under Janani Suraksha Yojna for  postnatal check up, immununization, vaccine carrier, monthly registration of birth and death, listing of eligible couples, list of ANC beneficiaries besides TA / DA for the monthly meetings.
The Mission Director gave a patience hearing and assured that the demands within his competence would be considered favourably and others would be forwarded to the authorities concerned.
The deputation comprised of Sunita Bhagat (president), Anita Devi (gen secy), Jagdish Raj Sharma (Secretary CITU), Jia Lal Parihar, Rita Devi, Kanta Devi,  Geeta Devi,  Anuradha, Surinder Kaur, Hardeep Kaur and Mohinder Kumari.